Author Topic: Lord Tony's new infatuation with endlessly harping on Fallout 4  (Read 74272 times)

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The forum would probably be pretty boring if people weren't allowed to respond to eachother.

The forum would probably be pretty boring if people weren't allowed to respond to eachother.

this is amazing the argument has now veered towards how ravencroft called somebody 10

The stages of this Thread

Community V.S. Lord Tony/Harvest Members/Supporters
Everyone is talking about how Tony is being a friend, Harvest members (Mainly Patton) come in to defend Lord T.

Community V.S. BlockChip
After everything has been settled Blockchip continues to yell at Lord T. which causes people to yell at him.

Community V.S. Ravencroft
From what i’m seeing, Raven mentioned Block’s age and everyone started Harping on him.

What i’m trying to say is this thread is cancerous and you should all stop loving posting. Lord Tony gets enough attention in his ‘Sacred Order of Harvest’ thread, and a certain person you all have heard of got so butt-hurt he actually attempted to make a clan which failed.

the next stage: community vs badspot
badspot finally breaks and destroys us all

More like The Harvest vs. Blockchip with the obligatory derail thanks to saltlord.

the next stage: community vs badspot
badspot finally breaks and destroys us all

the next stage: community vs badspot
badspot finally breaks and destroys us all
There is only one way to win.
We don't play at all.

I'm the one who brought up Blockchip's age first why are people stuffting on Ravencroft? It seems like it's the people who have a grudge against him to begin with lol

Pretty stupid that people call blockchip young for stating his opinion.

Pretty stupid that people call blockchip young for stating his opinion.
He is young though, or at least his profile says so.  I can see where Blockchip is coming from but I also think some things he's said don't really mean anything to the thread.  I think people should be a little more lenient with Blockchip, though.

Blatant trolling, extremely stupid posts, stuffposts, and constant double, triple, and even quadruple posts, to name a few things that he has done wrong.

Saying he's blatantly trolling is a stretch beyond imagination. Beside the Harvest stuff I dont see him causing any noticable harm(and even that is pretty quaint). If you're going to get brown town about a guy saying that you're "harvested" or whatever then you have bigger problems than whether this one guy on some obscure internet forum gets banned or not.
Also, he doesnt stuffpost. You disagreeing with the content of his posts does not make them stuffposts. The majority of his posts are perfectly reasonable, and the ones that arent completely reasonable are still passable.
Multiposting is not against the rules either. I can quote Badspot on this. Whether its annoying or not is another question, but it isnt bannable in and of itself.

Have you read any of the last 42 pages?
After a while this stopped being about the fallout 4 thread and started being about other stupid things tony did and said, mostly in this very thread.

I dont have enough of a hard-on for Tony to the point where I track a 42 page drama constantly for updates.

Heres the thing, though. Tony hasnt really been doing anything "stupid" except for the whole Harvest thing. You and multiple other people seem to get a giant stiffy whenever he posts and look for every opportunity to goad him into loving up and getting banned. He hasnt done anything nearly ban worthy, you just have beef with him and want him banned. If we banned everyone on this forum for being an starfish and stuffposting there would be like 5 people here. And regardless of whether he stuffposts or is an starfish, that is not the case the majority of the time as he still contributes to useful discussion. (And yes, I can give you multiple examples of discussions he has created and contributed to on his current account)

Also, i get that the users in this thread aren't a hive mind or anything, and i know that i've said this before, but i really feel like there's a double standard here when it comes to baiting.
Whenever tony baits someone into saying something, people say it's their fault for taking the bait.
Whenever someone supposedly "baits" tony into saying something, people say that it's their fault for setting the bait, even if they didn't even intentionally do so.

Tony, from what I've seen, has never baited anyone on his current account. If you could provide examples and prove me wrong I would be perfectly willing to detract that statement, but ill stand by that for now.
And how exactly does one loving accidentally bait someone into getting banned? You mean all those people antagonizing him about his clan and stuff and trying to get him to talk about MLP were just doing it on accident and had no idea of what they were doing? Get loving real lmao, those people knew crystal clear what they were doing and it was obvious as forget. Like "Oh I didn't know there was anything prohibiting Lord Tony from talking about MLP, even though I asked him fifteen times about it for no reason and had multiple people tell me that it was super loving obvious I was baiting him."
If anything the people trying to get him banned by laying out booby traps for him should be banned for trolling. Following this random dude on the internet around and trying to get him to talk about ponies and admit to trolling so you can get him banned is seriously creepy.

Even if that's the case, which i really think it isn't, one stuffpost is better than a thousand small stuffposts.
It isnt a stuffpost if it contributes to discussion and is relevant to the topic at hand. Tony made valid points and met both of those criteria.
This thread, however, contributes literally nothing and says nothing that hasnt already been said. Yes, we know Tony is an starfish, and we know that because there are about 5,000 other loving dramas that say exactly what you're saying.

Nobody's saying that it's not relevant to fallout 4, but that's not an excuse.
He's not politely stating his opinion: his posts in the fallout 4 thread appear to be trolling and intentionally inflammatory stuffposts, and he constantly grinds on, repeating himself unprompted when he doesn't get enough attention, and even doubleposting basically the same thing worded in different ways. In a board where you can edit posts.
He rails on and on about the same thing, attempting to get as much mileage as he can over petty "complaints" like 'This game doesn't have rape, it's so unrealistic', and it won't be long until his posts about essential NPCs reach the triple digits.

He doesnt have to politely state his opinion. Is it appreciated? Yes. Is it polite and a nice thing to do? Yes. Is it a requirement? No.
Multiposting isnt against the rules. Badspot has said this before, and im fairly sure on more than one occasion.
And I find it seriously funny how this community will celebrate and use things like a rape mod and a school shooting server, but when a random jackass on the forums comments about rape not being in a videogame everyone looses their collective stuff and acts like its such a surprise. Yes, the comment was tasteless as all forget, but other people do literally the exact same loving thing and if someone gets offended by that they get told to chill the forget out.

You can not get someone banned on the argument of "He posts a bit too much and tries to get people to notice his complaints about the game(some of which are actually decently thought out) and also he says stuff that I dont like(but its okay if someone we like makes an addon about the same topic), and he should be banned for this even though the majority of the posts he makes actually are good and contribute to discussion".

That is your entire argument. He has not broken any rules. He has not admitted to trolling. He has not spammed research. What it all boils down to is that you dont like him and what he says. And because of that, you pull out bullstuff arguments like "he posts too much" and "his complaints on this one topic are petty and offensive". Well guess what, neither of those things are bannable.

I also want to be very clear with something; I dont like Lord Tony in any way. I think he's a jackass. But you and several other people are grasping at straws for reasons to ban him. Like it is seriously getting to stalker-ish levels when there are people that deliberately follow him around the forums and try to get him banned.