Author Topic: Re: Re: I have decided to change my life for the better (old old thread too old)  (Read 5933 times)

wait what? i hope you guys weren't like looking at what i said as an attack. thats not what i intended at all
« Last Edit: December 15, 2015, 08:38:11 PM by Trogtor »

wait what? i hope you guys weren't like looking at what i said as an attack.
It did come off as unnecessarily rude.

Neither VH nor anyone else asked for or wanted your approval.
At best the comment came off as "I don't really care".

is it a crime to give my own opinion? all i said was "i wouldn't agree with your lifestyle but whatever floats your boat." if that came off rude then i'm sorry.

is it a crime to give my own opinion?
no, but it being legal doesn't mean you have to do it

It's not a crime to give your opinion. It's not a crime to be rude.
You were rude. And it's difficult to see how you could not intend to be rude with your comment. You decided that VH had to know of your disapproval.

I don't agree with your lifestyle/opinions, but I wouldn't tell you that outside of this example, because it would be rude to say so.

cool beans vert! :D

had no idea trog wasn't kidding around about being a bigot, damn. i thought he was cool.

had no idea trog wasn't kidding around about being a bigot, damn. i thought he was cool.
is something going on heerree......

Who the forget are you?
hey why don't you go forget yourself!

but seriously man good luck with your new life

Woah woah hey guys can we stop giving Trogtor so much stuff? This is a forum where anything we post is open to debate and criticism. If Trogtor wants to come into my open discussion and say he has a dissenting opinion, I see no problem with that as long as he wasn't picking on anyone unnecessarily, which is kind of what you guys are doing to him.

had no idea trog wasn't kidding around about being a bigot, damn. i thought he was cool.

charmander doesn't say squirtle! squirtle! you idiot

congratulations and you look well

My girlfriend likes it when I dress up as a woman but that doesn't mean I want to be a real woman. lol