Author Topic: Treasure hunt gamemode  (Read 1076 times)

Guys, i probably found something which is why gamemode treasure hunt doesn't allows you to put collected gold into your team's treasures.

See the attached picture.

What to do\how to fix?\who can fix? The author of this gamemode said he'll never touch blockland and it's addons in the near future so he probably can't help us.

this gamemode is awesome, i didn't even realise it was broken.

P.S. you can put gold you have in any team's chest which is in the mini. For example, if you have Red and Blue teams, then you're delete them and leave their chests - then you can drop your gold in any of their chests. You must be in neutral command (or just keep the gamemode without teams at all)

Are you running Slayer 4?

It's slayer Beta 1 but this started from new 4 alpha versions

Thank you. It should be more compatible with the next beta. Could you please post a complete console log showing you running the game mode?

That's was today.

Wait, it's says it's from 12 december, Wait until i'll post a new one ._.

This is the new console log but it still says it's from 12 december

That's ok, I got all I needed. Thanks Halmet!