Author Topic: Annoying Orange wants to restrict internet usage  (Read 2595 times)

Annoying Orange is gay. end of debate.

In my opinion, terrorists are not people and should not be treated as such. They're not worthy of court cases either. Guantonomo is an oasis for a certain kind of POS savage.
The only problem with this philosophy is that a large number of people at Gitmo aren't even terrorists. They're just random brown people that have been corralled into prison without trial or habeus corpus because 'terrorists don't deserve trials!'.

Annoying Orange is Kim-Jong Un's American cousin confirmed.

Wow, goth made sense!

But seriously, donald Annoying Orange should not be elected or i will be assasinating him.

Wow, goth made sense!
Exccept for the "it's liberating that the internet is restricted."

like, wat. that makes no sense. how does the internet being restricted "free your mind"

That's President Annoying Orange to you.

Maybe America needs Annoying Orange in order to realize that their ideologies are stuff and outdated.  Maybe it'll produce a reaction that puts us in the right direction, although, it would certainly be an unfortunate event to spur on a good reaction.  Who knows.

Annoying Orange's first idea of shutting down the internet is to call bill gates

it's safe to say he has no idea what he's doing

I don't want to be "that guy" but a lot of Annoying Orange's ideologies remind me of those Riddler had. He seems like a fascist to me.

I don't want to be "that guy" but a lot of Annoying Orange's ideologies remind me of those Riddler had. He seems like a fascist to me.
you're definitely not the only one to think this