Limited Wrench

Author Topic: Limited Wrench  (Read 4759 times)

The Limited Wrench from BTS as a standalone mod.
If you haven't seen it, it's basically a blue wrench that can't set items, collision, raycasting or events. Good for building minigames of all kinds.
If someone doesn't have the wrench, they just see a limited default GUI.



Lol, i don't understand why we need that kinds of tools.

Lol, i don't understand why we need that kinds of tools.

I do.

I have a similar mod like this. Except it uses RTB preferences. It disables lights, music, vehicles, emitters, items, raycasting, collision, rendering, etc.

When I am hosting a community build event and I tell some kid to specifically not mess around with ray casting, collision or rendering when they are making a build it pisses me off. At least I know with the option off they won't have any secret walls you can walk through or some stupid stuff like that.

I think there should be ZZZZZZ prefs for disabling/enabling certain features
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 10:46:13 AM by K3k0m@n »

I think there should be RTB prefs for disabling/enabling certain features
RTB Prefs?

This will be perfect for something I wanna host, thank you kindly!!!

Huh, I remember the wrench being a light pastel green?  Anyways this is pretty great, thanks for releasing it!

A must for fortwars.
why? people wont be able to spawn their weapons

why? people wont be able to spawn their weapons

I've easily designed a fortwars server to the point where people won't need to spawn their own weapons.

why? people wont be able to spawn their weapons
They shouldn't have to spawn weapons. A good fort wars will have players hunting/trading/killing/marketing for weapons.

Ideally you could set up a black market and have a player trade any type of currency for bricks or weapons.

They shouldn't have to spawn weapons. A good fort wars will have players hunting/trading/killing/marketing for weapons.

Ideally you could set up a black market and have a player trade any type of currency for bricks or weapons.
Oh wow, people have done this?  Never seen a fortwars do this personally, but it sounds like an interesting concept.

Oh wow, people have done this?  Never seen a fortwars do this personally, but it sounds like an interesting concept.
I used to this way back when but i don't have the time to properly create a map for it. I've had a whole list of concepts for an ideal fortwars and this one fits the bill. Maybe three teams each composed of a set amount of players.

Think of sub-rosa with destructible bases. Other teams could contact each other and form and alliance or secure a trade route or something idk.