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Author Topic: [HELP] jairo's avatar sheet funtime thread: ARCADE! 1 SPOT LEFT!  (Read 151147 times)

next one: Annoying Orange administration cabinet

for people who are curious, here's footage of every single game in this list. enjoy!

DDR (DDR A, EGOISM 440 on CHALLENGE difficulty)
beatmania (beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA, Beach Side Bunny on ANOTHER difficulty)
Sound Voltex (Sound Voltex III Gravity Wars, Everlasting Message on GRV/Gravity difficulty)
In The Groove (In The Groove 2, VerTex^2 on Expert difficulty)
Pump It Up (Pump It Up PRIME, 1950 on D27 difficulty)
jubeat (jubeat prop, ドーパミン on EXT difficulty)
GROOVE COASTER (GROOVE COASTER 2, Garakuta Doll Play on HARD difficulty)
maimai (maimai ORANGE PLUS (?), B.B.K.K.B.K.K. on MASTER difficulty)

Time CrCIA (Time CrCIA 4, full playthrough, unfortunately couldn't find vids with actual gun shown :<)
Big Buck Hunter (yes this game)
Duck Hunt (Vs. Duck Hunt, aka the actual arcade version)
Elevator Action Death Parade (i forgot to mention that elevator action and this game are two different things oops!!!)
Rambo (no good gun videos. as a mention, this game has HORRIBLE FPS issues at times, jesus.)
Aliens Armageddon (again, no gun. it's mounted to the cab though, so it's understandable)
House Of The Dead (House of The Dead 4. now THIS is what i'm talking about, 2P with one guy and two guns.)
Virtua Cop (first game. didn't find any actual arcade gameplay, so we have this.)

Stacker (the legendary Rigged TM game. this guy won a 2DS!)
Crane Machine (you know this one. they cleared out the entire cab. rad.)
UFO Catcher (by sega. the most tolerable one out of all of the videos i found.)
Key Master (slide it in. this guy won some jordans. a prize i never expected, but cool.)
Skeeball (couldn't find a decent enough one, so have this particular version.)
Colorama (gambling the arcade game. pick a color and see where the ball lands.)
Coin Push (a new spongebob one only at dave and busters. neat)
Price Is Right Shell Game (follow those gosh darn cups)

Fast and Furious (you get kind of overpowered after you upgrade a lot)
Crazy Taxi (couldn't get a good arcade video, so have a Crazy TASi ((get it?)) )
Mario Kart (Mario Kart DX, Taiko Cup 2016)
SEGA Rally Championship (that ain't daytona)
OutRun (sega made a lot of god damn racing games...)
Initial D (you will never play a racing game like this. ever.)
Nicktoons Racing (an old one. this video goes more into how things can be tweaked near the end.)

PAC-MAN (it's pac man. shows lvl 255.)
Galaga (no arcade footage, so you get mame footage.)
Ghosts n' Goblins (more mame. full playthrough at 60FPS.)
Donkey Kong (before mario existed. from start to killscreen.)
Tetris The GrandMaster (TGM3, GrandMaster qualification run clear by KevinDDR.)
Dig-Dug (inflation before it was a special interest. PSX TAS. notice that old games seem to have no actual footage?)
Simpsons Arcade (no actual cab footage, but this was recorded from a cab's arcade board with full 4P. nice.)
X-Men (the big thing. 4P full playthrough.)

this is what i have so far. i'll edit this with the other 2 categories soon.
edit: all categories complete!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2017, 04:57:03 PM by The Murderous Cop »

I'll start taking suggestions on our next sheet now
feudal japanese clans

the blf was once united. but now we must fight for control of this land.

next one: Annoying Orange administration cabinet

one per customer

I'll start taking suggestions on our next sheet now
Legions of hell

next one: Annoying Orange administration cabinet
we've done a similar government sheet before