Author Topic: 2015/12/23 - Blockland r1984  (Read 164309 times)


  • Administrator
  • Crash fixes for setWord, removeWord
  • Reverted to older version of Windows SDK

I'm hoping that the SDK update is what was causing some people to have random runtime errors.  Let me know if you still have the problem after updating to r1984.

What about when we get stuck loading?

I rarely got the runtime error before, but I hope its completely gone now
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 05:37:12 PM by pwnfulz »

it never finishes writing the file for me

edit: uninstalling and re-installing doesnt fix it either
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 05:55:18 PM by MYST »

I'm hoping that the SDK update is what was causing some people to have random runtime errors
oh my god

Woah, set/removeword crashed? Since when O.o

Well my TD mod was using removeWord, it was barely working, hopefully this fixed it.

Nice, the runtime errors are a pain in the ass

just had another r6025 error even after this update when someone joined my dedicated server that i was hosting and playing on, so sadly this update didn't fix it

Yes, this was with r1984 in both cases; I'm not an idiot; don't believe me just wait for other reports. No console.log this time due to my hosting config; will try to get one next time.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 10:02:26 AM by QuadStorm »

Send a console log
I think it's been stated enough times that console logs don't help in the slightest in regards to the runtime errors.