Author Topic: my computer is really forgeted, help  (Read 1429 times)

oh jesus it can't even get past the HP startup

okay so after playing mount and warband which i had to turn AMD dual graphics off for, my drivers (specifically catalyst contorl centre) uninstalled itself, they do this only when i have that disabled
so I reinstalled them and did updating through windows device manager

it then blue screened in the middle of that with the error system_service_exception, I restarted it and this came up and its quite clearly a graphics driver problem

I'm in safemode right now, I have no idea what the forget I'm doing, no spare computer and I can't reinstall AMD CCC from here it seems
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 07:51:48 PM by Maxwell. »

do you have a cd lying around or something
maybe like an old album or game

do you have a cd lying around or something
maybe like an old album or game
just found a spare 2gb usb actually but what do i do from here

You can uninstall the graphics drivers from Safe Mode and use CPU-Accelerated graphics to install them when you're not in Safe Mode.

You can uninstall the graphics drivers from Safe Mode and use CPU-Accelerated graphics to install them when you're not in Safe Mode.
I just deleted everything AMD from C: and Program Files, I can't access add/remove programs so I'm not sure they're uninstalled yet
unless you mean go to device manager and uninstall them, in which case I'll do that

You don't need to.  Open Device Manager from your Control Panel.

Find and expand Display Adapters.

From here, you're going to right-click and uninstall any AMD device.

When you restart your computer it should be in Basic Graphics mode.  From here you can reinstall Catalyst.

You edited your post while I was creating mine.

did that, now its a completely blank black screen and won't display anything

also while in here i noticed the system firmware had something wrong with it

Attempt to start your computer in VGA Mode (low-resolution video) from the Safe Mode menu.

a second restart fixed it, I'm gonna reinstall catalyst now

You might have a trojan
I don't

bumping this, the install was going fine (30 minutes in) and then it switched drivers/changed resolution, now the screen has just stayed black for 2 minutes so far

should I reset or leave it

Leave it. If it's still black after 20 minutes, reset it.

restarted it, the new version of CCC didnt install and i tried installing the one i had before and it blue screened

and now we're back to static


it works without CCC but its sort of slow, I'm gonna try system restore
that did not work
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 09:28:43 PM by Maxwell. »

If you're having issues installing it, head into C:\AMD\(insert version here)\Config, open InstallManager.cfg in Notepad and change WorkaroundInstall to true instead of false.  Try installing again from the setup application, located one folder up.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 09:33:26 PM by KoopaScooper »

If you're having issues installing it, head into C:\AMD\(insert version here)\Config, open InstallManager.cfg in Notepad and change WorkaroundInstall to true instead of false.  Try installing again from the setup application, located one folder up.
thank you so much this worked, it installed

confirmed working, thank you

« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 09:48:48 PM by Maxwell. »