Author Topic: Have you ever gotten laid?  (Read 11186 times)

Yes and it was OK I guess

no, even being given the chance multiple time with prostitutes.

yeah, i laid down in my bed just yesterday

they dont that often

Violent car accidents can be fatal even when wearing a seatbelt.
Violent love can give you an STD even when wearing a condom.

Condoms can break

not that I'm advocating underage or casual love but have you seen those condom challenge videos? condoms can be pretty strong lol

I'm pretty certain breakage isn't the issue most of the time

not that I'm advocating underage or casual love but have you seen those condom challenge videos? condoms can be pretty strong lol

Condoms can still break though, lets be honest.

Also by no means am I advocating for people not to use condoms because they can break, I think everyone should use condoms (or just watch research instead of having love, but thats a different issue).

Condoms can still break though, lets be honest.
Very rarely unless you're a spaz who can't put them on correctly

Violent car accidents can be fatal even when wearing a seatbelt.
Violent love can give you an STD even when wearing a condom.

violent love can be fatal

Very rarely unless you're a spaz who can't put them on correctly

Yes, but it still can happen if the two parties penetrate one another hard enough.

violent love can be fatal

It can be.

Yes, but it still can happen if the two parties penetrate one another hard enough.
That possibility alone isn't enough to stop most people, and nor should it be. If you live a life governed by fringe possibilities, you have a stuff life.

do you see all these cans you're using? those are just possibilities and are in no way definite like you think they are. you can say "can" to anything. you better get off your computer, because there could be a loose spark in there or something that CAN electrocute you. while you're at  it, move out of your house, because the furnace CAN explode and kill you. maybe move out of your town, there CAN be a crime uprising. hell, leave the earth, the sun CAN suddenly explode and destroy it.

Actually I broke a condom once haha