Author Topic: Steam is forgeted at the moment  (Read 18291 times)

Well even if it's just a caching issue and people can't actually edit/remove/change my email/phone/payment details, I'm still glad I use paypal. At least that I can externally disable easily.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 07:44:04 AM by Vitawrap »

« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 04:34:02 PM by Decepticon »

Did you just buy some game with some poor loving kid's account?

Haven't  been on steam in a while. Can people  still see my info?

Did you just buy some game with some poor loving kid's account?
you're not able to buy games with other peoples' accounts, just see email, last 4 digits of phone number, and a few irrelevant stuff
Haven't  been on steam in a while. Can people  still see my info?


First, go to your Paypal.
Click the cogwheel in the top right.
Then in the bottom right, click "Preapproved Payments"
A list will show up and in there you will find Steam
Click on it, and press the cancel button.
You will get an e-mail notification.

Congratulations, you're now a little safer.

Did you just buy some game with some poor loving kid's account?

No, SOMEONE BOUGHT GAMES with the "loving poor kid"'s account.

Your gmail is also in french, looks like you just translated the page

vitawrap is french