Author Topic: Jairo's Vassals and Vandals RP - A MOST HOLY ENDEAVOR! DOWN WITH THE KHANATE!  (Read 21725 times)

>stranded near an enemy war camp
>no allies
>the passage is blockaded
>no hope of escape
>i must fight a khanate alone

Tebessa Caliphate vs Ogden Khanate
Tebessa Caliphate vs Carpaccian Empire
Tebessa Caliphate vs Kingdom of Avignon

wake me up

Find way to Basil's Guild HQ and give a report. Mention the Narvik raider attack.

have the horse archers retaliate, and the melee men dismount and climb the walls.

Collect the bodies and bury them respectfully with funerals, bandits are given proper graves but no funeral.

Adalwolf gives recognition to the man who killed Walhaz. After tending to his wound he goes to speak to the Elders to see what damage has been sustained to the village.

Before arriving, listen for the latest gossip in town

Emir Szczepanski: "I understand your enthusiasm to ascend your rightful throne, and in many cases I admire you for it- But along with this opportunity, a few others have arisen. Should we assist Tsar Vladimir, we would no doubt be able to gain his support in overthrowing Francis, and thus enlocking a preemptive alliance with the emperor. I believe that, if we let the conflicts continue for a short while and garner support, when we go in we'll have an overwhelming advantage against the enemy. This is in part why I am bothering to assist the small folk- to improve your name within these realms, and significantly boost your right to rule, to the point where the peasantry may take up arms in your name. Allow me to gather some men, and to gather further support for you, and then we will have Francis' head hang over the gates to Lutece, and you ruling the kingdom from a throne that is rightfully yours, my lord."
Giuseppe Sforza: "Very well, Emir. I will trust in your judgment."

Agree to help train the villages militia, and drill them in the way of guerrilla warfare, traps, general warfare, and guiding enemies into said traps, along-side general training. Have your men assist in training, to boost their capabilities.
You assist the villagers, professionally instructing them in the ways of defense.

Turn these seven footmen into skirmishers, or an equivalent unit type.
You turn your seven recruits into javileneers, specialized light infantry equipped with throwing spears and short swords. These skirmishers have not been seen in Realm Astor since the age of the First Empire, so your use may either spell a new military age or finalize the closing of a chapter.

>stranded near an enemy war camp
>no allies
>the passage is blockaded
>no hope of escape
>i must fight a khanate alone

Tebessa Caliphate vs Ogden Khanate
Tebessa Caliphate vs Carpaccian Empire
Tebessa Caliphate vs Kingdom of Avignon

wake me up
The Tebessan fleet swarms from the west near Jawhar Castle and quickly makes headway to Yasser Castle, pushing and sinking the Avignese blockaders. The path back to Tebessa is now free of enemy occupation, but the battle in the river rages on.

Before arriving, listen for the latest gossip in town
You stop at the local tavern and hear again of the squire program in use now thanks to The Tome of War. Additionally, you learn of apparent Avignese aggression against the peasant villages of western Pact territory. Perhaps another conflict is in store for the Carpaccian Empire's top rival in trade?

Find way to Basil's Guild HQ and give a report. Mention the Narvik raider attack.
You meet with a clerk and report to them your caravan's journey. "As long as you have the money," they say, "we don't mind if the product was damaged." The clerk takes 1/3 of your earnings as guild fees and notifies you of the suspension of international trading as a result of the Narvik war, instead pointing to domestic routes you can take, albeit through bandit territory.

have the horse archers retaliate, and the melee men dismount and climb the walls.
Your horse archers return fire against the enemy's crossbow and archer emplacements as your cavalrymen dismount and assault the city's walls. After a brief struggle, you see many of your running back to you. The enemy's specialized melee unit, the berserker, inflicts absolute carnage upon your attack, killing 5 of your dismounted cavalrymen.

Bulgar Khan writes you a letter, detailing his intentions to employ a secret weapon against the Narviks and to assist you in your conquest.

Collect the bodies and bury them respectfully with funerals, bandits are given proper graves but no funeral.

Adalwolf gives recognition to the man who killed Walhaz. After tending to his wound he goes to speak to the Elders to see what damage has been sustained to the village.
Village Elder: "It's nothing we can't fix. You have done a great service not only to our community, but to the whole of the Empire. May the gods bless you. I suggest notifying His Majesty as soon as possible."

Merek of Luca visits the local abbey with Father Bruno during his stay, receiving holy guidance: "If we don't know what we're doing, the enemy sure as hell can't anticipate our next move." As such, you have acquired the trait Unpredictable.

Town watch approaches you several times during your stay about your prisoner group, eventually forcing you to wait outside the city limits for as long as you have them. As such, you seek residence in Ardeneaux to the west.


The Tome of War brings even more innovations to the battlefield--absolvement--and to the homefront--fertilizer. Surely, these advances will have explosive effects on Realm Astor's population and military capacity. All players may now recruit more people than before and manage more of them than before.

Go to the nearest taverns and a worthy squire who can learn the ways of the merchant.

Purchase a copy of the Tome of War if I can. If I cannot, buy a weapon for the squire and recruit some men while at it.

explosive effect huh

Adalwolf asks if any of the men would like to remain in the town, if not they are disembarking with Walhaz' wrapped corpse to the capital and then hopefully returning.

Additionally, though just to really improve upon teaching and training capabilities, train the villagers in offensive tactics as well. Once done, make way towards Litovsk, hopping cities and towns for recruitment along the way there.

Your horse archers return fire against the enemy's crossbow and archer emplacements as your cavalrymen dismount and assault the city's walls. After a brief struggle, you see many of your running back to you. The enemy's specialized melee unit, the berserker, inflicts absolute carnage upon your attack, killing 5 of your dismounted cavalrymen.

Bulgar Khan writes you a letter, detailing his intentions to employ a secret weapon against the Narviks and to assist you in your conquest.

Bring in the dismounted melee, and have them remount and charge the berserkers. Use oppurtunities to flank. Keep the horse archers on the wall archers and the berserkers as well. Try to hold on.


Go to the nearest taverns and a worthy squire who can learn the ways of the merchant.

Purchase a copy of the Tome of War if I can. If I cannot, buy a weapon for the squire and recruit some men while at it.
You recruit an economics student named Yossarian to your warband. He is now your squire, and may do a variety of things for you. While there, you also recruit 6 untrained footmen to help protect your caravanning ventures and buy a weapon for your new vassal. The Tome of War is nearly translated and will be available on the market soon.

Adalwolf asks if any of the men would like to remain in the town, if not they are disembarking with Walhaz' wrapped corpse to the capital and then hopefully returning.
Your injured (10 of your 11 footmen) will stay with the the townspeople as the rest of your warband heads southeast to Basileus. The elder gives you a holy blessing before bidding you farewell.

Additionally, though just to really improve upon teaching and training capabilities, train the villagers in offensive tactics as well. Once done, make way towards Litovsk, hopping cities and towns for recruitment along the way there.
You instruct the villagers once more before departing west on a long trek to the besieged city of Litovsk. Your first stop in making it there is Tsarigrad to pick up some provisions as well as recruit 9 untrained footmen. Then, you depart for Sazawa.

Bring in the dismounted melee, and have them remount and charge the berserkers. Use oppurtunities to flank. Keep the horse archers on the wall archers and the berserkers as well. Try to hold on.
The berserkers rout your men from the city's walls and do not pursue, rendering your cavalry charge impotent. You continue to pepper the enemy with your horse archers as you hear a set of hooves coming from behind. It is your Great Khan, Bulgar.

Bulgar Khan: "Stay back, Tu Khan. I am about to inflict a plague upon these dogs. See, and behold, the fall of the city of Tarmoth!"

Bulgar Khan's men launch several diseased pigs over the city's walls. He advises you to set up camp now, for your work will be done by next morning.

You board a craft back to Tebessa, falling to your knees upon arrival at Saalih.

While there, you treat your wounded and train your bumbling recruits.

=[Battle Results: Heroic Attacker Victory]=

=[Attacker Army]=
Tsar Vladimir the Terrible [melee]
20 veteran spearmen [melee]
1 engineer [siege]
14 trained archers [ranged]

Ruslan Stoika [melee]
Raskolnikov [companion, support]
18 trained footmen [melee]
4 trained archers [ranged]

=[Attacker Casualties]=
Tsar Vladimir the Terrible [melee] wounded
3 veteran spearmen [melee] killed
6 trained archers [ranged] killed

Ruslan Stoika [melee] wounded
4 trained footmen [melee] killed
2 trained footmen [melee] wounded

=[Defender Army]=
Prince Simo the Elder [melee]
10 trained swordsmen [melee]
14 trained footmen [melee]
10 trained archers [ranged]

Osmo Kangas [melee]
21 trained swordsmen [melee]
34 trained footmen [melee]
18 trained archers [ranged]

=[Defender Casualties]=
Prince Simo the Elder [melee] killed
10 trained swordsmen [melee] killed
14 trained footmen [melee] killed
10 trained archers [ranged] killed

Osmo Kangas [melee] killed
21 trained swordsmen [melee] killed
34 trained footmen [melee] killed
18 trained archers [ranged] killed

Tsar Vladimir's battlefield prowess really shows itself during this fight. With an invigorating frontline charge, his men expertly assault Litovsk's walls and, exploiting a weakness pre-built by the Masovians for just such an event, his men circumvent the enemy's defenses. Once inside, his spearmen and archers abandon their weapons for the fallen enemy's swords, turning the rebel's advantage against them. Outnumbered and outsupplied, the Masovian forces systematically hunt, capture, and kill every single Vaasan loyalist in the city, exterminating 1/4 of its population and restoring order to the Masovian Empire. The Republic of Vaasa has been eliminated.

Tsar Vladimir has gained the trait

Because Tsar Vladimir has conquered the capital of a recognized nation, he has gained an additional vote in the Council of Elders, bringing him one step closer to fully uniting Realm Astor.


The Tome of War's final secrets have been revealed: logistics. In addition to the military revelations dissected from this text, they may now be fully applied without worry. As a result of diligent monk hand-copying and translating, The Tome of War will be available in limited quantities in all capital cities for a fairly high price.


The next Council of Elders vote will occur in a short while. During the Council, all leaders cast their vote for who will be crowned High King of Realm Astor. If no majority is made, then the Council will reconvene again at a later time.


Quintus Caelius and Agrippa Lucretius III of the Carpaccian Empire have besieged the Narvik fiefs of Sindel Castle and Himmelen, respectively. The Carpaccian offensive has begun.


As spiritual consciousness reveals itself, the inner feelings of one's being may be suppressed. Players may now visit gypsies in cities to gain additional traits--whether good or bad, who knows.


Tebessan reorganization and redeployment is expected on the eastern front against the Avignese. So far, no excursions from either side have appeared.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2016, 11:53:02 AM by Jairo »

Because we will be mobile on trade caravans, equip the footmen with crossbows and train them.

Yossarian, teach me what you've learned from your economics!!

Are the crossbows the Carpaccians use the ones that you have to put on the ground and wind up

Before departing from Tsarigrad try and grab a copy of the Tome of War to study before carrying on to Sazawa. On the way, ask Giuseppe if there's anyone in particular that he knows that would support his claim.

Offer to assist in policing and occupying the town for the Tsar in leu of getting an actual police force.