Author Topic: Jairo's Vassals and Vandals RP - A MOST HOLY ENDEAVOR! DOWN WITH THE KHANATE!  (Read 20860 times)

The berserkers rout your men from the city's walls and do not pursue, rendering your cavalry charge impotent. You continue to pepper the enemy with your horse archers as you hear a set of hooves coming from behind. It is your Great Khan, Bulgar.

Bulgar Khan: "Stay back, Tu Khan. I am about to inflict a plague upon these dogs. See, and behold, the fall of the city of Tarmoth!"

Bulgar Khan's men launch several diseased pigs over the city's walls. He advises you to set up camp now, for your work will be done by next morning.


Set up camp and heal the routed men, train and resupply from looting nearby villages.

Because we will be mobile on trade caravans, equip the footmen with crossbows and train them.
You equip your footmen with crossbows and give them the basic rundown of defense. Although you are not a military man yourself, your explanations appear sufficient.

Additionally, now that The Tome of War is available for purchase, you stop at a local shop to pick a copy up.

Yossarian, teach me what you've learned from your economics!!
Yossarian explains some basic economic concepts to you. You have acquired the trait Retentive.

Are the crossbows the Carpaccians use the ones that you have to put on the ground and wind up
the average crossbow is similar to that design. the higher level carpaccian sharpshooters use a design similar to the repeating "cho-ko-nu" crossbow, though

Before departing from Tsarigrad try and grab a copy of the Tome of War to study before carrying on to Sazawa. On the way, ask Giuseppe if there's anyone in particular that he knows that would support his claim.
You scrap up the coin to purchase a translated copy of The Tome of War and then question Giuseppe of any connections.

Giuseppe Sforza: "I would say my brother, but, I've been uh... banished... from that area of Realm Astor. You see, I was supposed to run the family business, but then I was framed and the position was instead given to my brother. I was chased--quite barbarically, I might add--out of the Second Empire and haven't looked back since."

Offer to assist in policing and occupying the town for the Tsar in leu of getting an actual police force.
Tsar Vladimir the Terrible: "An excellent idea. Say, how would you like to become a vassal of mine? You've proven yourself quite the capable leader in our short time together."

Train everyone.
You do so. Bedri Hussein messages you of his intentions to launch an attack after he's gathered enough men, and suggests you to prepare and assist.


Set up camp and heal the routed men, train and resupply from looting nearby villages.
You refrain from straying too far from the city, looting smaller communities around Tarmoth. Bulgar Khan tells you of the effectiveness of the biological attack--so effective, in fact, that the area has become hazardous.

Bulgar Khan: "It appears I underestimated our immense power. The plague is currently being carried by tributary caravans from Tarmoth to elsewhere. They do not know of it, but they herald their own destruction. We will be like the Horsemen of Old, those who birthed the apocalypse upon these lands. As such, it is in our best interest to leave the kingdom until the plague has done its work. Make sure no man of yours has inherited the disease before departing."

The Council of Elders collected votes today. Tsar Vladimir of the Masovian Empire received the most votes at 2, both coming from himself. Every other leader voted once for themselves. It will take at least 5 votes before a leader can be crowned High King of Realm Astor, as such, no leader has been chosen yet.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2016, 05:23:45 PM by Jairo »

You refrain from straying too far from the city, looting smaller communities around Tarmoth. Bulgar Khan tells you of the effectiveness of the biological attack--so effective, in fact, that the area has become hazardous.

Bulgar Khan: "It appears I underestimated our immense power. The plague is currently being carried by tributary caravans from Tarmoth to elsewhere. They do not know of it, but they herald their own destruction. We will be like the Horsemen of Old, those who birthed the apocalypse upon these lands. As such, it is in our best interest to leave the kingdom until the plague has done its work. Make sure no man of yours has inherited the disease before departing."

Do a mandatory checkup of all the men and if they do have the disease, kill them. Then pack up and depart to Gork and Orum to recruit.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2016, 08:07:42 AM by mattsos »

test the men on their marksmanship and buy them leather chest pieces because stinginess

Continue along to Sazawa, recruiting from any mercenaries that may have been fighting the republic that are on their way back. Sure the republic's all dealt with, but there's still plenty of support to be gained, especially if efforts are put towards people who got royally forgeted. Upon arrival, recruit, train, and poke around for work. If not? Continue down to Litovsk, rinse and repeat.

Do a mandatory checkup of all the men and if they do have the disease, kill them. Then pack up and depart to Gork and Orum to recruit.
You check your men for any signs of the plague and then depart after discovering no obvious symptoms. You then arrive in Gork and recruit 10 untrained footmen and take a quick rest before leaving for Orum where you recruit an additional 7 untrained footmen.

test the men on their marksmanship and buy them leather chest pieces because stinginess
Your men are remedially effective with their new weapons, but will surely improve as they become veterans of combat. You buy them some decent armor and then consider what next to do.

Continue along to Sazawa, recruiting from any mercenaries that may have been fighting the republic that are on their way back. Sure the republic's all dealt with, but there's still plenty of support to be gained, especially if efforts are put towards people who got royally forgeted. Upon arrival, recruit, train, and poke around for work. If not? Continue down to Litovsk, rinse and repeat.
You arrive in Sazawa to discover it a lifeless husk. The Masovians have yet to rebuild or resettle the land, and so it remains a testament to a lack of tolerance regarding civil disobedience. You encounter a slave driver and save several Masovian soldiers from being sent to a forced labor camp. In total you purchase 6 veteran swordsmen.

You train your men before entering the gates of Litovsk where security is high due to the tsar's presence.

The Carpaccian offensive against the Kingdom of Narvik appears to have taken a strange turn as reports of men dropping dead swarm in with disgusting frequency. Something's not right here, many infer.

Continue training and wait for Bedri Hussein.

Look to the Basil's Guild HQ in the town, and look for work.

Train the new and freshly recruited men, then leave off to the next objective, Fjinn, and occupy it.

Continue into Litovsk, recruit, train, and appeal to the Tsar if there's anything that can be done to gain his favor.

Continue into Litovsk, recruit, train, and appeal to the Tsar if there's anything that can be done to gain his favor.
are you ok now

Continue training and wait for Bedri Hussein.
Bedri Hussein notifies you of his readiness for the attack on the Khans. "On your mark," he writes.

Look to the Basil's Guild HQ in the town, and look for work.
The desk clerk welcomes you back and hands you a pamphlet of domestic routes made to leave for Silesia, Trost, Brennicheg, and Secunda from Basileus. Take your pick.

Train the new and freshly recruited men, then leave off to the next objective, Fjinn, and occupy it.
You train your men and depart to pillage Fjinn. When you arrive, the village has already been devastated from the plague. Knowing this, your party remains wary of approaching it any closer.

Continue into Litovsk, recruit, train, and appeal to the Tsar if there's anything that can be done to gain his favor.
As a result of the recent purge, you convince a measly 4 untrained footmen to join you. You depart from the tavern and jump through a few hoops before having audience with the tsar.

Tsar Vladimir the Terrible: "Ah yes, Emir. The vanquisher of the White Wolf. I've heard your name before. I'm going to be blunt with you: I have plans for those Coventrian rebels. Unlike the failed Vaasan rebellion, the Coventrians did achieve independence from us. I have decided to engage on a campaign of reacquisition--a 'reconquista' as those foreigners from the eastern realm call it. After order has been restored in this corner of Masovia, my men and I will ride to the Coventrian border and proceed from there. If you'd like to join my campaign as a mercenary, I'd be glad to have you along."

A state of emergency has been declared in the Kingdom of Narvik. A plague strikes every city, village, town, hamlet, whatever, within its borders. Already, nearly 30% of its population has been killed by the disease. As a result, all leaders have suspended trade relations with the Kingdom of Narvik so as to avoid acquiring it.

what's my warband look like right now