Author Topic: Dr. Nope's Endless Zombies Mode  (Read 519 times)

Welcome to Endless Zombies!

What is Endless Zombies?
- Endless Zombies is a game mode originally made by Gravity Cat where a team of players must survive the endless hordes of zombies.

What is your server going to contain?
- The server is going to use an armory access system where players can pay points for the entire team to access the higher level weaponry.
- It will also include various structures and buildings as well as manned weapon positions (They will be decided on later in development)

This game is currently under development, and as such, no screenshots can be uploaded as there is not much completed, which will require the help of builders familiar with Modular Terrain, and (if needed) VCE eventers. In addition, this topic will soon be updated with photos and active development

Developing as of now

  • Armory (~20% complete)
  • Map planning and Building planning (0% complete)


Nicepoint has a really good endlesszombies already. Why do you have to make another one?!

Nicepoint has a really good endlesszombies already. Why do you have to make another one?!

Mac Workin' told me, "Nicepoint got bored of hosting it"