what non-english language do u know



Scandanavian Languages (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian (also Finnish))
Balkanic Languages (Serbo-Croatian, Greek)
some other stuff (comment cigarettes)

Author Topic: what non-english language do u know  (Read 3427 times)

No, I think he's spot-on…
It's dumb to try to learn Japanese just to watch anime lmao

I want to learn Finnish because of my HERITAGE

i can speak maltese since it's my native language
also a small bit of italian but i'm stuff at it
i've learnt (and forgot quite a bit of) toki pona
and i also know a basic amount of my conlang anachek

also whats the deal with japanese?
Animeme Weaboobies. They learn like 4 Japanese phrases and consider them selves as speaking fluent Japanese.

Also I speak and read partial German. I kind of had to because my family are from Germany.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2015, 06:05:13 AM by Sentry »

wheres polish you antiseminic spastic forget

I'm currently learning Portuguese in school.

French, dutch, german a bit, weeaboo and ruski my friend

Spanish at school and Japanese with a tutor.

I bet you Weebs are learning Korean right this moment XD

I speak some Spanish

I doubt any of the people claiming to know japanese actually know anything beyond hiragana

russkiy, français, some latin and i'm beginning to learn pǔtōnghuà (mandarin)
why does loving everyone want to learn japanese though. i see no reason bc you won't be speaking to anybody with it unless you go to japan (which, if you do because of your fascination with anime, you're an idiot)

fluent in french and i'm native spanish
i don't really want to learn any other languages though because french sucks and english is godawful but pretty much universal so yea