Author Topic: Real brother Hours (post yo adventures during 2:30 am thru 5 am)  (Read 3357 times)

Well its time for real brother hours because I cannot sleep at all help
Anyway post any type of story/adventure during the time of 2:30 thru 5 am

11:23 PM
loving timezones
how do they work!?

11:23 PM
loving timezones
how do they work!?
rip, just post anything that happened during 2:30 thru 5 am

rip, just post anything that happened during 2:30 thru 5 am
I-I had a really cool, uh, dream about d-dinosaurs.

I-I had a really cool, uh, dream about d-dinosaurs.
same but with nuggets

I-I had a really cool, uh, dream about d-dinosaurs.
you know this probably wouldve been more funny if it were in real life

ot: once i dreamed about beating up vampires

that was cool

probably within the 2:30am-5:00am range

11:23 PM
loving timezones
how do they work!?
I'm with you fam

well we started at like 11:30 but my brother and a friend just played blockland straight until now on my server. first we played my dodgeball maps then we did a dm with all the default builds, then tried a tank dm, then started our adventure to the farlands at like 12:30. we havent made it yet but we're close.

Was up puking quite a bit between 2 and 5 this morning if that counts

Ive been sitting in the unofficial discord chat waiting for someone to use it for its intended purpose.

In other news, I had some grape juice and listened to two guys threatening to beat the other brothers ass while i blasted where da hood at through the mic.

Then I got yelled at by a whole server on another game because i was too good. Only to proceed to call a guy a doodiehead stinkyface.

itt: little kids past their bedtime

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa page stretch