Author Topic: Urban Exploring Adventures: Part 1.  (Read 3404 times)

None of these adventures I am about to tell you are in any specific order.

So I like to do what is known as "urbex" I explore abandoned buildings. Much like Fallout, except in Real Life.

This building has been recently torn down. Apparently the lights use to work. It use to be some farming building with a stuff ton of tobacco stock. There had to be about 200,000 dollars worth of tobacco stock shares that are all worthless. I believe that's what caused the building to become abandoned.

I can't really explain this place. The place is full of tobacco stock, car parts and flower supplies. It's really weird.

I've been here about multiple times. The last and final time I went before the building got demolished was when I was almost caught. So my girlfriend and I tripped the power switch and we lit up the entire building. After about 20 minutes we heard a THUMP sound. We dismissed it as the wind. Then we heard what sounded like a door slamming. We knew we were in trouble. Now we were on the third floor of the building so jumping out a window at the third story was out of the question. We were hearing someone walking around and then silence.The last footstep echo was coming from the stairs. It seemed like they were quietly waiting down the stairs to catch us because they knew we were upstairs. They probably didn't know we already heard them.

So stairs and a window was out so we took another path and started climbing down the elevator shaft very slowly and quietly. The elevator shaft got us down to the second floor. Now when being stealthy if it's almost impossible to sneak around when making noise you have to make sure your walking sounds are constant and steady. That way they can't tell where the sounds are coming from because of the echo.  So we are now on the second floor, the same floor those guys were waiting on. However we heard loud running sounds coming from the third floor (the floor we just escaped through the elevator). So it seemed like they were tired of waiting by the stairs and were planning to take us by surprise and charge in. So we took the first open window we saw and jumped out of it and ran as fast as we could.

All the Tobacco stock is kept in the attic. That brown stuff around the support beams is all bat stuff.

Mmmmm peanuts.


I had a video of me turning on the lights, as soon as I find it I'll share it.

holy stuff where the forget do you even live that it's that dirty
also what the stuff is with the peanuts

i see this is where all that love Tony talks about takes place.

On my first or second visit to this place this bird flew at us from the airvent.

I've always wished I could do this, but they're developing the area I live in FAST and anything old or abandoned is either already gone, slated for demolition, or a gang/druggie hangout

have you ever seen any homeless people in places like this

have you ever seen any homeless people in places like this

No my friend and I try avoiding any human contact in these places. It's incredibly dangerous, you won't know who you will run into and we prefer not to know.

have you ever seen any homeless people in places like this

he hasnt found a mirror yet

V-very, uh, cool. I did stuff like, uh, this in some buildings a few months back. I'll try and, ah, find the p-pictures if I can.
Edit: Found some. I w-won't dump the whole gallery, but uh, here's a few. I believe this w-was near a, uh, half-in use and half-abandoned military base in northern Alabama. Looked around while visiting f-family there in uh, June ish.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2015, 05:19:05 PM by Jeff Goldblum »

What city were these pictures taken in?

nice try tony
we all know this is your house

What city were these pictures taken in?

Grandby CT.

This building has been demolished though.

good lord, those peanuts