Author Topic: BLF has a Sci-Fi Adventure  (Read 4325 times)

Exit the refresher and attempt to assess the damage to the spaceship
come out of the bathroom and survey the situation
I check out what got damaged in the crash
WaterOre Stats: STR 9 - DEX 10 - CON 12 - INT 10 - WIS 12 - CHA 11
Clownfish Stats: STR 13 - DEX 12 - CON 7 - INT 9 - WIS 11 - CHA 10
Pearooster Stats: STR 9 - DEX 15 - CON 8 - INT 11 - WIS 13 - CHA 12

You raise your head after the crash, groggily. Everything is dark. Sparks rain from the ceiling. It looks like the emergency shields kept the crew alive, but the ship is damaged. Flicking on a handheld light, you try to inspect the damage. Rolling for luck.

You roll a 2.

The ship is obliterated. It will never fly again.

Ask everyone else if I'm in Heaven yet
tber123 Stats: STR 11 - DEX 17 - CON 13 - INT 11 - WIS 13 - CHA 16

You check to see if you are still alive. You'll need a CON Check of 4 to make it through.

You roll a 17+1, so 18.

You are very much alive.

Install gentoo on the ship's main computer.
Glass Stats: STR 4 - DEX 16 - CON 6 - INT 7 - WIS 5 - CHA 9

The ship has lost all power. You'll need an INT Check of 19 to get it to boot.

You roll a 10-1, so 9.

The ship begins to hum--but erupts into a shower of sparks, and goes dark again.

Hand out medkits to whoever needs them.
Planr Stats: STR 18 - DEX 8 - CON 12 - INT 14 - WIS 15 - CHA 10

Luckily, you never leave home without a handy medical equipment bag. You run around, patching up anyone who was hurt in the crash. You'll need an INT Check of 9 to restore the crew to full health.

You roll a 14+2, so 16.

The crew is largely okay, save for a few brushes. One member has a nasty cut, which you quickly clean and bandage.

Look around. Where are we?
TableSalt Stats: STR 7 - DEX 17 - CON 11 - INT 18 - WIS 10 - CHA 12

You press the EMERGENCY EVAC button, causing the hangar door to slowly rise. As the bright light shines into the ship, you glare out into the alien world. You'll get a 13 INT Check to access where you are.

You roll a 20, critical hit.

You've... been here before! This is SR-30-B! In your youth as a Biologist Intern, you visited to collect samples of Water Viper Eggs. It's a thick forest planet, known for hostile alien life and poisonous vegetation. There are no cities, but numerous scientific outposts litter the planet! Judging from the color of the trees, there should be an outpost just a few miles north of here!

Welcome to SR-30-B.

Convince the fellow passengers that Schmips™ are the superior product and will save them in this time of desperation.
go on a crusade to kill the schmipser while crushing any bags of schmips™ which i encounter for the glory of schips™.
TristanLuigi Stats: STR 8 - DEX 10 - CON 10 - INT 10 - WIS 10 - CHA 16
Refticus Stats: STR 12 - DEX 11 - CON 10 - INT 14 - WIS 4 - CHA 8

As Refticus rises with his bag of Schips™, ready to convert the crew to the Order of the Schips™, he spots something in the corner of his eye.

It's TristanLuigi.

With a bag of Schmips™.

And a deadly look in his eye.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 08:52:50 PM by McZealot »

Equip an AGHS* and watch Tristan and Refticus do their thing.

*anti getting hurt suit

i step between TristanLuigi and Refticus
"im sorry but i'll need to impound these items"

i take the bags of schips and schmips from them

"these bags here are copyrighted and are now subject to a DMCA takedown. any future infringements will require us to shut down this adventure."

[having a sci-fi adventure intensifies]
This is a bump, don't take it as an action.

Consult TableSalt as to what plant life (if any of it) is edible here, and how to identify it.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2016, 01:27:48 AM by WaterOre »

attempt to wake up from my coma

fight that schmips supporter, glory to schips
i will force feed the superior brand (schips) down his throat to pierce his evil and corrupted mind

Equip an AGHS* and watch Tristan and Refticus do their thing.
*anti getting hurt suit
TableSalt Stats: STR 7 - DEX 17 - CON 11 - INT 18 - WIS 10 - CHA 12

You check the ship for an AGHS, as the two begin to brawl. Rolling for luck.

You roll an 18.

There is a fully functional AGHS in the back of the ship! It can protect you from (nearly) anything, as long as it's charged!

AGHS Charge: 100%

Consult TableSalt as to what plant life (if any of it) is edible here, and how to identify it.
WaterOre Stats: STR 9 - DEX 10 - CON 12 - INT 10 - WIS 12 - CHA 11
TableSalt Stats: STR 7 - DEX 17 - CON 11 - INT 18 - WIS 10 - CHA 12

You ask TableSalt if there is anything here that you can eat. He wracks his mind for answers. You'll need a combined roll of 16 to find anything.

You roll a 15, +3 (Tablesalt), so 18.

"Of course!" He yells. "Just below the surface grow hard nut-like fruits, cased in thin bags. He pulls one out of the dirt, and rips open the sack. They look suspiciously like... Schips™.

fight that schmips supporter, glory to schips
i will force feed the superior brand (schips) down his throat to pierce his evil and corrupted mind
TristanLuigi Stats: STR 8 - DEX 10 - CON 10 - INT 10 - WIS 10 - CHA 16
Refticus Stats: STR 12 - DEX 11 - CON 10 - INT 14 - WIS 4 - CHA 8

Refticus charges at TristanLuigi, waving a bag of Schips™ as he goes! He rips the bag open, and attempts to force the corporate goodness down TristanLuigi's throat! He'll need to roll a Strength Check higher than Tristan's to succeed!

TristanLuigi rolls a 10, -1, so 9.
Refticus rolls a 19.

Refticus manages to force almost the entire back of Schips™ down TristanLuigi's throat before he is able to break free! They chip and crackle and crunch as they are shoved deep into his stomach! It feels wrong... but so, so, right.

i step between TristanLuigi and Refticus
"im sorry but i'll need to impound these items"

i take the bags of schips and schmips from them

"these bags here are copyrighted and are now subject to a DMCA takedown. any future infringements will require us to shut down this adventure."
Conan Stats: STR 5 - DEX 8 - CON 8 - INT 18 - WIS 15 - CHA 10

With a SDMCA (Space DMCA) in-hand, you attempt to confiscate both party's copyrighted bags. You'll need a 16 Strength Check to pull them from their hands.

You rolled a 1, Critical Failure.

You not only fail to rip the copyrighted bags away from the brawlers, you also alert the SCO (Space Copyright Office) to your attempt at a false SDMCA! They place a Space-Bounty upon the entire group! Rolling for how much it's worth.

You rolled a 17.

The bounty is over seventeen-thousand space-credits--and it's dead or alive! The Space-Bounty-Hunters will be here soon!



« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 04:14:24 PM by McZealot »

...I don't know what to do now.

hold the packet into the air once the force feeding process has been finished

claim victory for the schips god

Say my last prayers to the Space Gods before hiding in whatever spacebush is nearby

i immediately file resignation forms to legally detach myself from these soon-to-be-dead spacefarers

Attempt to place a higher priced space-bounty on the SCO instead.

Harvest a sack of the nut potato Schips™, then save them for future consumption and/or use.

I make a break for the outpost that was apparently a few miles north in an attempt to hide from the SCO-Bounty hunter douchebags, and tell everyone to follow or some stuff

except for conan cuz he's a back door and made this happen in the first place ;c