Author Topic: Checkpoint brick that resets when the minigame resets  (Read 614 times)

when you stand on a checkpoint, the checkpoint stays with you forever (unless the checkpoint is deleted or you /clearcheckpoint)

what i want is a checkpoint (or server mod) that automatically clears checkpoints for everyone when the minigame resets

so for example, you could create a game where players advance and die a lot to accomplish a goal, with checkpoints along the way so it doesn't take forever
then when they finally win, the minigame resets and everyone spawns back at the BEGINNING, like it should, instead of the last checkpoint

yes I've needed this since forever

so with that I think you can do onMinigameReset > Minigame > clearAllCheckpoints

so with that I think you can do onMinigameReset > Minigame > clearAllCheckpoints

so with that I think you can do onMinigameReset > Minigame > clearAllCheckpoints
that might trigger too late, after the players spawn at the checkpoint
you'd need them to respawn afterwards

and respawn everyone in the minigame
It should work fine, people would just spawn at the checkpoint then spawn at the start very quickly.

they wouldn't spawn at the checkpoint, checkpoints cleared, then set their checkpoint from being on the brick?

Based on Jes00's description it would seem he has accounted for people standing on checkpoints at the time of clearing.

just tested the event, yes, when the event is performed it both clears everyone's checkpoints and respawns them at the same time so they all spawn on regular spawn points

pretty nifty