
Most likely to be in a band

0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Glistenin' G
0 (0%)
Violet Sentry
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (9.1%)
Copy III
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
King C
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Sidney Radclyffe
1 (9.1%)
The Kid
5 (45.5%)
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: ROOTY SHOOTY: 𝐙𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 [we return and hopefully on a stable schedule]  (Read 91890 times)

Cecil flips over the stranger, and checks their wounds. A simply icky assessment shows that its surprising that this man is still alive. Immediate medical attention is required. As for himself, one of his feet is certainly broken, with the bone penetrating flesh, causing a bloody tear.

Elianna: Well, I'm looking for a safehouse, that's for sure! I actually like food, ya know?
King C: And contrary to popular belief, crates are not comfortable to sleep on.
Elianna: heheh
Archibald: Well I suppose there isn't much choice here. I suppose I can assist you.
Elianna: Never asked for it, but sure!!
Archibald: Lets start looking for somewhere or something safe.

Elianna: Well, I found a radio dohicky. If we got this functioning we could probably call for help.
Archibald: Oof, ham radios.

Archibald: Oh.
Archibald: More survivors.
Archibald: How unexpected.

King C: The surviving part of them seems limited.
Elianna: loot..?

ellianna has a sailor mouth js

>Ellianna: Ask the old guy if he knows how that guy died. If he was bit (doesn't look it but...?) he could be really dangerous.

>Cecil: Explain the events that just transpired; offer to provide your expert-services with guns in return for them helping you and Madboy.
Also point out that neither of you have been bitten
« Last Edit: January 15, 2016, 04:44:46 PM by hodototman »

So I lost half of my laptop charger, and I won't be able to update like, at all this week. Sorry in advance. Normal updates will resume on the weekend.

Ellianna: Do you know how the guy next to like, died? Because right now it looks like he got blown the forget up.
Ellianna: But theres the off-chance that he got bit so I mean he could be ready go "RARGH" i'm alive now!
Cecil: Wel-
Ellianna: And then you die.
Cecil: I don't be-
Ellianna: Cus' he bites you.
Cecil: ...
Ellianna: ...
Cecil: From a basic brown townysis it does not look like actual bite marks.
Cecil: I cannot quite tell what happened, besides that it tore off a large amount of skin, flesh, and bone on his arm. His rib cage is clearly exposed and damaged.
Cecil: I doubt any sort of beast could do this to him.
Cecil: If you could come down here and give me a hand, that would be delightful. Or necessary, at this point. Really.

King C: How will you assist us in return? I'm assuming this will be mutually beneficial.
Ellianna: I like how you asked him that after we went all forgetin parkour-y down here, instead of before.
Archibald: You guys never asked me that question.
Cecil: I have a large amount of gun knowledge, as well as a firearm of my own handy. If I was to join your group I could benefit you with that.

Ellianna: Well, uh.
Ellianna: What do you guys think?

>Cecil: Prop something under Madboy's head so he doesn't drown.
Do it from a distance with a stick or something so nobody thinks you're in danger of being bitten, even if he's not a zombie.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2016, 02:00:22 PM by hodototman »

archibald: go for it yea

>Ellianna: If there're no bite marks then he's not a zombie, plain and simple. But I'm down with letting Cecil join, safety in numbers.

Character Name    Mattony Luster
Overlay Color  Mint
Backstory Mattony used to be a subject in various tests
         During one of his tests, he fell into a "non-lethal" radioactive substance
           which had mutated his genes. After this, he was assigned to
            work at the army, as his new genetic code had strange
            properties, which interested scientists. However, he fled from the army and
              worked in a hidden bar as a simple bartender.

oh great the website i uploaded it to flipped it.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 05:23:09 PM by }]Crazy[{ »

>King C.: I do not mind if he comes with us. I especially like the bloody exposed-innards man.

>Madboy: Try to tell the group an explosive barrel looked at you funny

Archibald: yeah fine by me
Ellianna: No zombie? No problem. I don't mind at all if you join us.
King C: I appreciate the near-corpse, and do not mind if the old man comes along as well.
Cecil: Good. Good!

Cecil: Now I don't know if he'll make it, but if we manage to find something then maybe...
Ellianna: Not gonna lie dude that's one forgetin ugly cadaver.

Cecil: WA
Ellianna: holy stuff WHA
King C: This is unexpected.
Archibald: So it's not dead. That's sorted.

Ellianna: yeah same dude
Cecil: I am... confused.
Archibald: Ok, hate to eh, interrupt, but has anyone else been lookin at that pipe jiggin the forget out over there?

Archibald: Yeah

Cecil: I only have a bit of ammo left, I don't think I can kill all of them.
King C: One of them is armed.
Archibald: And yet it doesn't have thumbs. What a mystery.

>Cecil: Open fire on the closest zombie, instruct others to do the same
Do so in a way to conserve as much ammo as possible.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 06:32:57 PM by hodototman »

>Ellianna: Tell people with guns to aim for the head, as that's the only part that can actually infect someone. After they run out of ammo, people with melee weapons (including myself, I have an aluminum bat and that's about it) should attack the weakened zombies.

>archibald : forgetin run man get outta there