
Most likely to be in a band

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0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Glistenin' G
0 (0%)
Violet Sentry
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (9.1%)
Copy III
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
King C
1 (9.1%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Sidney Radclyffe
1 (9.1%)
The Kid
5 (45.5%)
1 (9.1%)

Total Members Voted: 11

Author Topic: ROOTY SHOOTY: 𝐙𝐎𝐌𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 [we return and hopefully on a stable schedule]  (Read 99354 times)

>Rusty: Catch up with King C, and see what's happening up there.

Character Name: Harold [CP-0493]
Overlay Color: Grey 'n' stuff
Harold was a normal Civil Operator in City 08, he patrols around his own city daily, and keeps the city in order with his other CP cohorts. Although, one strange day he was patrolling down a street, when a portal suddenly appeared in front of him, and gobbled him up. He appeared in this... dimension not to long ago.

He is a physically strong individual, around the height of 6'10". He is equipped with a 9mm USP Match, and a Stunbaton. He wears T-3 Tier Kevlar Armor to match his height. This armor protects against most blunt trauma and small-arms.

Character Name: Harold [CP-0493]
Overlay Color: Grey 'n' stuff
Harold was a normal Civil Operator in City 08, he patrols around his own city daily, and keeps the city in order with his other CP cohorts. Although, one strange day he was patrolling down a street, when a portal suddenly appeared in front of him, and gobbled him up. He appeared in this... dimension not to long ago.

He is a physically strong individual, around the height of 6'10". He is equipped with a 9mm USP Match, and a Stunbaton. He wears T-3 Tier Kevlar Armor to match his height. This armor protects against most blunt trauma and small-arms.

character submissions are not open at this time

crew : get us SUM forgetIN BEANS
if none : find one of them army dude boys and get him to help. fuk.

character submissions are not open at this time
when will they be open?

when will they be open?

My best guess is that they will be open when the story ends and a new one begins, either that or when a bunch of characters die off.

character submissions will be opened at the end of this current adventure.
i don't want to give too many hints but this one is getting closer to the end

character submissions will be opened at the end of this current adventure.
i don't want to give too many hints but this one is getting closer to the end

INB4 everyone except sara dies because why not xD

Cecil: I didn't want it to come down to this, but I need to protect myself.
Cecil: One more warning. Stay back.
Dann: ...

Bruce: It doesn't look like we're getting help, boss.
Archibald: It's all good boys, I've taken worse beatings from the misses! heh heh
Marco: ..Really boss, we need to find help for you.
Ben: Back up, the ceiling looks unstable.
Sara: You guys need to get out of there, seriously, we don't know what just h-
Chad: Knock knock.

Rusty: Anything interesting going on over here?

Rusty: I'll take that as a yes

King C: ...
King C: Glass will not stop me from defeating you.

GG: Thanks for pointin out the vending machine, man, there better be good snacks n stuff
JJ: Like doritos?
GG: Like doritos.
Xexal: I could possibly find something that can construct a splint from this machine.


Sidney: Was that all of them?
Sidney: That was badass.

>Xexal: Pull some parts out from the vending machines, preferably a long strip of metal, then hopefully find a strap that can be used to secure it to Xexals broken arm. even though the bone is quite literally jutting out, idk how a splint will fix it tbh but realism.

>gang: call rusty over to help take the vending machine apart, then BREAK DOWN BREAK DOWN

>Ben: go and try to find the generator

>Chad: help in the linching of the vending machine

OT: Is everyone going to die or are we just going to get season 2 or chapter 2 ?

>Rusty:King C clearly has a handle on this, so head over to the inner city hoodlums and help them gangbang the vending machine.