Author Topic: Nickpb, child enthusiast/Child Predator, overall useless piece of stuff  (Read 211782 times)

Welcome to the forgetboy Forums, we like to forget boys here and only boys.

I'm Oxcorp btw, 22, I've sent Tills pics before but never nudes
if any1 receives nudsies from oxcorp

pls send 2 me

okay enough attention craving and drama mongering now tills
I have a gif for this somewhere but I can't find it :(

"I'm not trying to get attention"
goes server to server saying she is going to kill herself

has other members of community post information in her behalf because she can't bare to do it herself

accuses seemingly random members of the community of sending her nude photos with no basis or proof for the claims

where is my attention whore gif


yeah where the hell is HER proof
this seems like compulsive lying/controlling behavior. she even is now playing victim, too

My thing is if those people did send nudes as well she probably lied to them too about her ages, she stated before she's done it multiple times.

Ask tills why we should believe her anymore if, according to many sources including herself, that she lied a lot in the past about herself.

at least the "forgetboys" dont say they will kill themselves for attention, tills

Ask tills why we should believe her anymore if, according to many sources including herself, that she lied a lot in the past about herself.
She will mostly believe that every lie of bullstuff she said so that might not work out.

She will mostly believe that every lie of bullstuff she said so that might not work out.
I'm having trouble interpreting this, please forgive me.

This chick is crazy and its funny how many BL dudes are defending her

She clearly is loving the attention

If I white knight her will I get nudes too?

If I white knight her will I get nudes too?
1. ew
2. ask for nudes of nickpb instead


Tills did this before when talking to Joep, she told him that I was loveting her and making her uncomfortable, he talked to me and we confronted her and she admitted she was making up drama for attention and said she would stop

1. ew
2. ask for nudes of nickpb instead
He's cut off all social contact through Internet remember?