Author Topic: Nickpb, child enthusiast/Child Predator, overall useless piece of stuff  (Read 212342 times)


There is no evidence to suggest the order of picture sent. You can't determine who 'reciprocated'. 19 year olds aren't "dangerous territory". As I have stated, the fact of the matter is there's been no proof posted showing nick knew she was a minor. To me, he's entirely in the clear.

We all know you hate Nick and are mentally deranged yourself. You're a proven liar, ask your best friend. He confirmed it to me yesterday about what you did in teamviewer. You need some facts if you want me to take any argument you put forth here seriously.

I can add to your arguement. Tills said that she told Nick about her age on November 13th of this year and that the nudes came after, however being a friend of Nick's and also witnessing with my own eyes Tills confessing her age for what seemed to be the first time I can confirm that this is bullstuff.

I was in San Diego sitting next to Neonfallout on ~20th December when Tills added Neonfallout on facebook and confessed her age and true identity. Furthermore when I asked Tills to provide the message she sent to Nick when she told him how old she was she replied with the following:

more like Alice Nuts
this is pretty dumb, even for her

If nick is innocent as you claim him to be, have him get on and defend himself. After all, a man with nothing to hide should be able to do that at least. If he is shying away from this topic, might be a reason for that.

I have substantial reason for disliking nick. It makes me smile at how much you think you know about that topic, though i'll leave it alone. Wouldn't want to bruise your ego. As for me being deranged, well honey; you've got at least as many bolts loose as I do.

Nick is on holiday and has better things to do than give a forget about a pointless drama that has got way out of hand because some stupid bellend (Kickflow) is salty towards him.

If nick is innocent as you claim him to be, have him get on and defend himself. After all, a man with nothing to hide should be able to do that at least. If he is shying away from this topic, might be a reason for that.

I have substantial reason for disliking nick. It makes me smile at how much you think you know about that topic, though i'll leave it alone. Wouldn't want to bruise your ego. As for me being deranged, well honey; you've got at least as many bolts loose as I do.
Nick does not need to prove his innocence. The burden of proof is on kickflow and company. You are just enjoying this drama train ride to the fullest extent because of your deep rooted and unfounded hate against Nick.

I'd love to get into some ego bruising if you wana. I got a lot of stuff to say about you and why nobody should ever trust you with any kind of files, position of authority, or passwords. Lots of stuff to post here for, it might be entertaining for us actually. You are just a step above kickflow here to me at this point.

Further further more Tills doesn't even loving know what loveting is, she thought loveting was loving flirting.

^I call lies

how does she claim to be hyperloveual and then not know what loveting is

tfw all of your friends hate eachother

I still don't trust either side of this.

^I call lies

how does she claim to be hyperloveual and then not know what loveting is

Because she's loving 15 she has no loving clue

Nick is on holiday and has better things to do than give a forget about a pointless drama that has got way out of hand because some stupid bellend (Kickflow) is salty towards him.
A friend of Nick told me (and a couple others) that Nick won't be posting in "that thread"(this thread) anymore, not due to holiday/vacation.

tfw all of your friends hate eachother
I love you raven :)

I think she knows all to well. I wasn't that ignorant at her age.
Seems like you want to play both sides Rusty :/

Moral of the story is Kickflow, Kahnuu, Bear_Tracks, and Jeetlor are scumbags who've tried to twist this to fit their agenda against Nickpb.
How? I barely was even involved in defending either side.

hes on vacation with trinick and neonfallout chill

Because she's loving 15 she has no loving clue
Come on man, yea she's dumb
but not that dumb

hes on vacation with trinick and neonfallout chill
To be fair that never stopped him from posting here and using steam