Author Topic: ROBLOX-y type death?  (Read 602 times)

Like physics death, but tears off nodes and acts as if it was real LEGO falling down. That means a node can move away from the body and a node would be able to roll too.
EDIT: Found them! Linked here in case you want them and too lazy to dig in the archive:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 04:36:30 PM by Sp0nge80b »

People have done this before using debris objects, the issue is that debris can't be recolored on the fly. So the dismembered parts are always the same color. I believe this is a released mod.

People have done this before using debris objects, the issue is that debris can't be recolored on the fly. So the dismembered parts are always the same color. I believe this is a released mod.
Link? I can't find one

This may be what you are looking for:
Crumble Death:

Or this:
Blood and Gore:

This is a more kid friendly one:
Lego Death and Skeletal Death:
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 11:43:00 AM by honytawk »

This is a more kid friendly one:
Lego Death and Skeletal Death:
That, but the links are broken.