
Best Rapper of 2015?

MC Amel
9 (36%)
Al Packa
4 (16%)
Dolly Llama
3 (12%)
7 (28%)
2 (8%)

Total Members Voted: 25

Author Topic: [|| CAMEL APPRECIATION WEEK™ 2016 ||] (YEAR NO.7)(GONE loveUAL)  (Read 2640 times)

i dont like camels
they smell

don't let the propaganda fed to the populace by organizations like animal planet and zaboomafoo fool you. sharks are mere pawns in the animal kingdom. lions put on the facade as king of the animal kingdom because they know the truth and would rather live their lives in a shroud of delusion than face reality. neither of these animals would last half of the lifespan of a chocolate bar in a fat kid's lunch when face to face with the true monarch of not only the animal kingdom, but the entire ecosystem that thrives on earth's salty crust.
the camels are some of the most powerful beings witnessed by this planet, for they are in possession of humanities best kept secret.
Truer words have never been written, my friend.

don't let the propaganda fed to the populace by organizations like animal planet and zaboomafoo fool you. sharks are mere pawns in the animal kingdom. lions put on the facade as king of the animal kingdom because they know the truth and would rather live their lives in a shroud of delusion than face reality. neither of these animals would last half of the lifespan of a chocolate bar in a fat kid's lunch when face to face with the true monarch of not only the animal kingdom, but the entire ecosystem that thrives on earth's salty crust.
the giraffes are some of the most powerful beings witnessed by this planet, for they are in possession of humanities best kept secret.


dont forget the giraffes great great great great gandfathers too!!!

that is clearly an eagle I don't know what you are talking about

Camel are pretty great animal if u ask me i would like to see one in real life and feed it

I actually love camels now! I take back what I said about bears being better than camels.

I actually love camels now! I take back what I said about bears being better than camels.
Bears aren't so bad either