Author Topic: Spiketickett - 179227 banning blockheads ''just cuz''  (Read 2458 times)

P sure most of the blockheads are from steam summer sale and they refuse to talk

P sure most of the blockheads are from steam summer sale and they refuse to talk

the 2nd blockhead was talking and seemed like a normal player

;^) Hi.
It's me.
I don't care, I love it.
Call it, My first drama.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: January 02, 2016, 05:04:57 PM by Badspot »

;^) Hi.
It's me.
I don't care, I love it.
Call it, My first drama.
if you don't care don't post

;^) Hi.
It's me.
I don't care, I love it.
Call it, My first drama.

r u stupid on purpose


  • Administrator
;^) Hi.
It's me.
I don't care, I love it.
Call it, My first drama.

Everyone please note: The problem here is negative attention seeking, not saying the magic words "I don't care".  Context is more important than the exact words. 

Everyone please note: The problem here is negative attention seeking, not saying the magic words "I don't care".  Context is more important than the exact words. 
thanks for clearing that up

Should belong here:
No one really has to post there unless it really was a stupid/ban/kick that's not worth making a topic for. This is a topic to inform users that someone is randomly banning people because they are blockheads.

I was in the same TS with this kid, hes like 11 or 12

Oh wow. Are you new here?
not really, i just thought it would fit there.


 Generally most of the time blockheads can be pretty annoying. although I will say that banning them to "Change your username," Is still pretty stupid. A noob with a new name is still a noob.
In that sense support, but anything else and nosupport.Watin' for the hate