Author Topic: What's your in-game name and how long have you had it.  (Read 1661 times)

Subwolf, but ive only had it for liek a week now since i like to change my name alot, but my longest name i ever had was "Droptek3", i had that for about 3 years

GR8DAYSETH literally the entire time I've played, changed it from blockhead##### to that name the minute I bought the game and in caps because I had capslock on but I decided to keep the capitals for some reason

foxscotch, and a little bit longer than I've had it on the forum


I've had it since I started playing 5 years ago, I just replaced the word blockhead with my name and kept the ID

It's Frontrox and i've had it since around April of '09 iirc

kohoutek since september/august 2013

i dont even remember but its been a long time

Nidos. Had it since around 2013 when I changed it from something stupid like ThatBlocklandGuy or King of nothing (with the numbers of course).

Niff 2012-2014
Radioactive Scrub 2014-2014
Niff 2015-2016

I kinda wanna change it to something else but idk what

Gregio from when I got the demo to like 2012
Then just Epicduke until last year when I changed it to Reactionary Skrub
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 07:55:07 AM by Epicduke »

"Rigel" and for almost ever when I changed it from "rigel"

I started out with BL_ID 25445 (SupremeTsunami) then I took a break from BL and came back not knowing my auth code so I bought BL_ID 32377 (Tactical Nuke)

don't ask for any dates

Legoboss, 2010, I believe.