the straight flag is all black because they have no color
even straight people need sunlight :(

family man apologist? I have never heard that term before in my life.
not my fault you're ignorant
Not in the westernized world.  A lot of Christians are killed in the middle east too.  Discrimination in the middle east is not an exclusively homoloveual issue.
yes in the "westernized world"

family man apologist = family man
And this is exactly why I hate the movement

Many still face hate crimes for their loveuality in the Western world. Unfortunately some people find that cringe-worthy (why, I don't know). It's the same thing when someone talks about Christians being persecuted (people cringe, and I still don't know why as millions of Christians have been forced out of their homes in Syria and Iraq over the last ten years for being Christian - and if they refuse to leave, they're killed or they must convert to Islam).
The only ones who experience hate crimes are the ones that are like "HEY IM GAY WATCHU GON DO ABOUT IT" and make a big deal about it.  The truth is, gay people who live their lives the same way as straight people don't really face discrimination.  Of course if you are gay and you announce it to everyone and try to use it to draw attention to yourself then you are going to attract people who hate you for it, whearas if you just decided to go about your daily life and treat it like just another characteristic about you, you likely wouldn't have any problems.

yes in the "westernized world"
Is it a pervasive problem? is it increasing in frequency? I would bet no, because homoloveuality in the western world is becoming more and more accepted.

:^( 1 like = 1 prayer
plz share and rt

The only ones who experience hate crimes are the ones that are like "HEY IM GAY WATCHU GON DO ABOUT IT" and make a big deal about it.  The truth is, gay people who live their lives the same way as straight people don't really face discrimination.  Of course if you are gay and you announce it to everyone and try to use it to draw attention to yourself then you are going to attract people who hate you for it, whearas if you just decided to go about your daily life and treat it like just another characteristic about you, you likely wouldn't have any problems.
Is it a pervasive problem? is it increasing in frequency? I would bet no, because homoloveuality in the western world is becoming more and more accepted.

plz share and rt

I see what you're saying now. I cant give a direct opinion on everything, but I will say that a gay person shouldn't say that they are gay to every person they meet (I doubt most people do this, however I know a few). While it'd be nice if everyone were to be tolerant, that's not the case. There are many people in America who are openly homophobic, and if you know that they don't like gays and you're gay -- say you're straight. I agree with you.

I was agreeing with you
no you weren't
Is it a pervasive problem? is it increasing in frequency? I would bet no, because homoloveuality in the western world is becoming more and more accepted.
"April 13, 2015 – Ron Lane was shot dead by a former student, identified as Kenneth M. Stancil III, who he had supervised at the campus print shop. His mother made unconfirmed allegations that Lane, who was gay, made unwanted loveual advances towards Stancil. The shooting was investigated as a hate crime."

this dude killed someone because he hit on him
yes it is a problem. it does not have to be increasing in frequency to be a frickin problem

that sucks and all but whats an lgbt flag in the USA gonna do to affect saudi's discrimination
nothing, because it's a flag. what's your point

no you weren't"April 13, 2015 – Ron Lane was shot dead by a former student, identified as Kenneth M. Stancil III, who he had supervised at the campus print shop. His mother made unconfirmed allegations that Lane, who was gay, made unwanted loveual advances towards Stancil. The shooting was investigated as a hate crime."

this dude killed someone because he hit on him
yes it is a problem. it does not have to be increasing in frequency to be a frickin problem
I agree that is a problem

Shouldn't go hitting on random dudes before knowing their orientation

Shouldn't go hitting on random dudes before knowing their orientation
so you also shouldn't hit on girls before you know they're into guys, right?

no you weren't"April 13, 2015 – Ron Lane was shot dead by a former student, identified as Kenneth M. Stancil III, who he had supervised at the campus print shop. His mother made unconfirmed allegations that Lane, who was gay, made unwanted loveual advances towards Stancil. The shooting was investigated as a hate crime."

this dude killed someone because he hit on him
yes it is a problem. it does not have to be increasing in frequency to be a frickin problem

Show me where I didn't agree with you

I agree that is a problem

Shouldn't go hitting on random dudes before knowing their orientation
you want everyone to ask what someone else's loveual orientation is before hitting on someone or not?