Author Topic: Any players you just simply hate?  (Read 291409 times)

and phanto has made countless weaponpacks. your point?

Lord Tony hasn't broken any rules to get him banned.

Lord Tony hasn't broken any rules to get him banned.
Yes he has what the forget

Lord Tony hasn't broken any rules to get him banned.
Tony's been banned more times than I've said something stupid, and I say a lot of stupid stuff

Tony's been banned more times than I've said something stupid

Tony has contributed to the forums and the game by creating addons and builds. Probably has contributed more than you or me TBH.
Oh so because he's released barely any addons and a few builds, means he can go troll and stirr up stuff wherever he wants?

That is the most bull-stuff ideology I have ever heard. Good deeds do not cancel out bad ones.

Oh so because he's released barely any addons and a few builds, means he can go troll and stirr up stuff wherever he wants?
Actually him making addons has nothing to do with him being able to "go troll and stirr up stuff whenever he wants?"
Him being able to do that is because he's literally allowed to until he breaks a rule. I don't get what you people think is acceptable about removing people from a community simply because they annoy you.. Grow up this isn't a community that caters to the whim of its users and never has been.

Maybe because he's been nothing but a nuisance to the community since like 2007 / 2009. He has over 15 alts iirc and he keeps coming back and low and behold, history repeats itself time and time again. Literally near to no one likes Tony other than patton and bisjac, all they do is white-knight his handicapped antics of stirring up drama and baiting wherever he goes.

Having Tony removed will be a blessing to the community. Do you want to have him around, starting constant arguments, bait threads, trolling, and etc? I most certainly hope not.

Having Tony removed will be a blessing to the community. Do you want to have him around, starting constant arguments, bait threads, trolling, and etc? I most certainly hope not.
Alright clearly your small prepubescent brain is struggling with this concept. You and all the other children who get their panties in a bunch over tony have no legitimate reason to have him banned. Yeah he's an annoying stuff but that's not bannable, and if being an annoying puke was a bannable offense pretty sure you'd be a few more alts in but that's beside the point. This community has a pretty black and white set of rules and I am quite glad there isn't a team of corrupt admins banning people just because they make sensitive little flowers like yourself upset.

I mean you can argue this point all you want but you'd just be blatantly wrong

Lord Tony hasn't broken any rules to get him banned.
are you dense?

would tony being gone make the blockland forums better? maybe, but it would leave a tony-sized hole that nobody else could fill in our hearts... can't buy that at walmart, that's for truth...

speaking of which has the infamous pitch perfect story been told?

would tony being gone make the blockland forums better? maybe, but it would leave a tony-sized hole that nobody else could fill in our hearts... can't buy that at walmart, that's for truth...
stuff does this mean that there's a piece of tony in my heart
I need to see a cardiologist about this before it goes malignant
speaking of which has the infamous pitch perfect story been told?
he told it at some point, but I don't have a link on-hand

would tony being gone make the blockland forums better? maybe, but it would leave a tony-sized hole that nobody else could fill in our hearts... can't buy that at walmart, that's for truth...
Didn't tony work at walmart? surely we could just find another ex-employee with equivalent mental health issues to plug the hole

Never forget the time that I told Lord Tony that my girlfriend at the time lives down the street from one of the Waltons. now THAT was funny.