Author Topic: Tills getting harassed and Kahnu being an ass.  (Read 19531 times)

Alrighty, to start off...Call me a white knight or not. I give up at this point. Though, the reason I created this drama is because I feel this needs to be brought up. People need to stop harassing Tills. On both occasions I've been in a server with Tills people are confronting her about the whole drama.

Now onto what happened. I joined Sugar's RP to just hang out with Sugar and make her happy. I met a player named Spode and he was pretty alright. Later Tills joins and this is when the stuffstorm started. Spode starts to harass her, making jokes about her, and all around being a richard. THEN Buddha, better known as Kahnu(u) now, starts joining in. I got admin so I start trying to control the situation and this is when it got worse. I keep on trying to ban Spode for being a richard, but he kept coming back in since he was also admin. He straight up lies to sugar and makes me look like the bad guy. This went on for about an hour until I got perma'd for "No cursing" even though I didn't. So not only did Spode straight up lie to sugar, but was being an starfish to Tills. This honestly needs to stop.

Tills doesn't deserve this behavior after all that she went through. Pictures are linked below because there are too many to fit in this thread. Also I couldn't get Spode's ID, but here is Buddha's. If need be I'll update in replies.


Spode has always been an ass.

sugar always unbans everyone but in the mean time i cant seem to get on her server she probably closed it

both spode and khanuu are massive stuffheads

wow way to make me look like a villain for no reason

what did i even do

the thing i said about toddlers was become tills talked about how me and jeetlor are a cute couple

the thing i said about toddlers was become tills talked about how me and jeetlor are a cute couple


oh yeah im the villain totally im sure i really damaged her psyche yeah totally sue me

worst i was doing is saying ''LMAOOOOO'' a bunch of times because i thought what spode was saying was funny

spode was totally in the wrong here and i don't know why you grouped me into this

i cursed and i got kicked for it
i didn't even know that was a rule lmao

i didn't even know that was a rule lmao
it's in the welcome message

kahnu on damage control

because i have no idea why im even grouped with spode in this drama if i didn't do jack stuff

i cursed and called nick a toddlerphile

this is so incredibly messed up

Why cant Sugar moderate her own server?

oh yeah im the villain totally im sure i really damaged her psyche yeah totally sue me
worst i was doing is saying ''LMAOOOOO'' a bunch of times because i thought what spode was saying was funny
spode was totally in the wrong here and i don't know why you grouped me into this
i cursed and i got kicked for it
i didn't even know that was a rule lmao
How does this help your case?


So saying that the victim is at fault, defending the person who's the problem user, and completely ignoring the fact that you took part is alright?