Author Topic: Presidential Elections Discussion 2016  (Read 17918 times)

The value of your degree will only go down if people actually go through with it. Paid or not if someone wants it they'll strive for it.
agreed, but there are ways to bs your way through college

Inflation doesn't apply to knowledge, ya know

That's not true.

Say you're in a small town and your computer broke. You find the one guy in town that knows how to fix it, and he quotes you $500. You don't know much about computers, but you do know that only he can fix it and a new computer would cost you more and you would lose all your precious data. So, you pay it.

Now, say you're in a commune of nerds and your computer broke. Everyone in town knows how to fix it. You go to the same guy, and he quotes you $500. You tell him you'll shop around. You post an ad on Craigslist, and some dude says he'll fix it for $20.

In situation one, the guy has a rare trait that has a lot of value. In situation two, that guy's trait is no longer quite as rare. The value of the skill has inflated. For him to get that job, he'd have to cut his prices by 96%.

Competition drives prices down. I'm not saying a more educated nation isn't better, clearly in principal it is, but I'm under no illusions that it would drive down the objective value of higher education. If nobody had a high school diploma, a high school diploma would be valuable in the workforce. But, since everyone has a high school diploma, you "need a college degree to be successful." Give everyone a college degree, and you'll "need a graduate degree to be successful."

That being said, you don't need a college degree to be successful. I'm a prime example of that. Right now, I'm sitting on an Italian leather couch, typing on the nicest MacBook Pro you can buy, watching my girlfriend modeling for a photoshoot in front of my skyline view near the top of a bayside high rise in America's Finest City. I got a 2.3 GPA in High School and dropped out of college. Then I got a job.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 07:31:44 PM by $trinick »

I'll get outta high school with a 4.0 gpa AND FIGHT HIM TO THE DEATH FOR HIS PROPERTY

Nice place, Trinick. My grandpa quit in 6th grade and still went on to purchase land and turn two single wide trailers into an actual house.
My sister dropped out of college and she makes $11/h which is pretty decent

not to mention he's also got a fine-ass modded nissan iirc

on the topic of politics:
they changed the poll, it isn't funny anymore
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 10:23:00 PM by Zloff »

Very nice Trinick. I will attend community college for a year and transfer to a business school after that and work a full-time job while doing so. I'm going to be living extremely frugally for the next 5-10 years, risking money on my business ideas. I'm willing to risk everything just for my ideas. I don't want be to that guy working the same job for the rest of his life, I just don't like working for people. I'm the boss, but then again - we all start somewhere. I'm fine working for someone else for a few years just to save, but after that I'm done.

I just started my first small business two weeks ago in fact, at my local farmers market selling bottled juices. $2500 initial investment taken straight from my savings (a lot when you barely have that leftover), but I've made a quarter of it back in the last two weeks, so that's good.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2016, 12:37:26 AM by Tayasaurus »

so why the forget is sanders winning?
he doesn't know stuff how to handle the CIA threat.

at least hillary has a plan for that and Annoying Orange even has one.
why sanders and not a better democrat?

Well now since Trinick knows all that it's obviously has no value anymore, damn

so why the forget is sanders winning?
he doesn't know stuff how to handle the CIA threat.

at least hillary has a plan for that and Annoying Orange even has one.
why sanders and not a better democrat?
Because Hillary is a huge liar and Annoying Orange is an asshat who is going to forget over a lot of people?

I changed the topic, sorry about the previous title everyone. It was a bit biased.

Because Hillary is a huge liar and Annoying Orange is an asshat who is going to forget over a lot of people?
and bernie lets CIA kill us all.

not exactly thinking this through.

and bernie lets CIA kill us all.

not exactly thinking this through.
How can you be so sure he doesn't have a plan? Did he say he didn't?

How can you be so sure he doesn't have a plan? Did he say he didn't?
in the light of the big CIA threat the least you could do during a presidental election is at least SAY you do.

not saying that pretty much means you don't have one.