Author Topic: If you had the choice, what servers would you bring back?  (Read 10608 times)

  • Wizzard's dogfight
  • Disconnect's freebuild
  • Iban's Zombies are people too
  • Yorktown65's CityRpg

Guaranteed agreed

[]---[]'s mafia madness
cucumberdudes jailbreak
crown's actual prison escaping

Sanctus Rem's is literally the exact same thing.
This is true but it doesn't provide the same feel that Cat123's grapple knife did.

Any of the old, and well made DRPG's (Prior to V21)
i mean i liked them and all but the reason they don't last is that people get OP in a week

Please do
We were promised a Christmas challenged what happened?
• job
• lack of time
• lack of staff willing to assist

v20 servers,wolf rps,animal rps and of course my older servers from 2013.

Sanctus Rem's is literally the exact same thing.
Felt better and more enjoyable back then

Can't believe noone said Centhra's Dueling yet. Im ashamed of you guys.

elm's Land of Blocks was pretty fun, but that's probably only 'cuz I was the best miner (ever.) and gave everyone free ores.

Oh, and Speedblade kept it fun by massacring everyone, props to him for being the bandit every other bandit dreams to be.

elm's Land of Blocks was pretty fun, but that's probably only 'cuz I was the best miner (ever.) and gave everyone free ores.

Oh, and Speedblade kept it fun by massacring everyone, props to him for being the bandit every other bandit dreams to be.
That server had a lot of potential but Elm really didn't seem to care about the build at all.

Can't believe noone said Centhra's Dueling yet. Im ashamed of you guys.

wat. it's been said a ton.

wat. it's been said a ton.
Shame on me for skimming through the topic then.

Irk89's Ultimate Challenge

TheHellSpy's SWAT RP.

The memories, and how many times I died/jailed.

Crowns jailbreak, tezunis old prison and Agent Blues boss battles and prison escape