Discovered location message (like in the fallout games)

Author Topic: Discovered location message (like in the fallout games)  (Read 829 times)

earlier I was playing fallout and I thought what if someone made a add on where if you enter a certain radius of like a special brick or something, like let's say that radius was like 20 1x1 bricks, a little message will pop up to the left and you can event the brick so it says something like "discovered: house" or something like that. thought that could be a cool idea for like an rpg or something

you could just use chat messages. then nobody has to have a client mod

maybe you could make a zone brick with vce.
should be something like this:

onPlayerEnterZone > player > ifVariable   <var:cl:pepsiland> = 1
onVariableFalse > client > modVariable   <var:cl:pepsiland> set 1
onVariableFalse > client > BottomPrint   <font:impact:30><color:00FF00>Discovered<br><font:impact:50>Pepsi Land  [9]
onVariableFalse > client > playSound   discover.wav

there might be a way to position the text in the actual spot using center print and some offset stuff, but idk how to do that
« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 03:22:16 PM by pwnfulz »