
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 472963 times)

got placed in sIII but getting 30+ lp every game

hey HEY, watch what you say dirty ekko player It's not even like he's freelo, he's trash unless you actually know how to play him properly and his winrates reflect that.
I've been playing Ekko since he was released on PBE

I'm an Ekko main to heart, been through the nerfs, buffs and the complaints. He's stupidly fun to play.

Next to that, a Vel'Koz main. I played him as soon as I reached the IP needed and never looked back since then. If I want to play a consistently good match, I go for Vel

alpha and his easy bake champ pool

if ekko and vel are easy bake what am i

alpha and his easy bake champ pool
you aint seen ekko or velkoz like mine.

you don't even fukin no son

man stuff ill throw some of my ezreal skills in there, challenge my next level blue build

man stuff i bet your the type of guy to play irelia, cho'gath, pantheon, and katarina and then type in all chat that it takes skill, tilting the enemy team into a whole new dimension that's used by a bunch of random starfishs to generate power from their tilt
if ekko and vel are easy bake what am i

Scum on the Earth.

I play vayne zed and lee sin roast me now

Lost my first promos tonight but a player on the other team added me and told me i was really good,asking if he could spectate some of my games in the future to learn a thing or to so that made me feel a little better.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 04:39:04 AM by Ticonderoga »

I play Fizz and ap ali baby. Hate me

Been spamming ap ali top recently and only lost 1 game out of so many. Was against a Riven that outplayed me pretty good. Good thing I met another Riven some days later that I could return the favor and poop on. 1st kill "ur lucky i took wrong masteries" 2nd kill "this is bullstuff!" 3rd kill "report noob jungler". Feels good man.

I play lee ezreal thresh and zilean

Lucian, Talon, and Brand.

I've been playing Talon a lot more now though because turning a terrible game around by just eliminating the ADC every chance you get is fun.

Some interesting changes were just pushed to the PBE
  • Akali gains more energy form her Q, and her R goes faster
  • Ekko has a (slightly) reduced cooldown on his Q at lower levels.
  • Gragas utility buffs (More slow duration overall)
  • Graves nerfs
    • No longer instantly procs Q on hitting a wall, instead procs after a short (but noticeable) delay)
    • Lower ratios to his Q, but a very minor buff to his E
  • Jax's passive reworked to be less janky and lowered AP ratio on his R
  • Poppy gained some damage buffs on her Q
  • Xin Zhao's passive now grants an AD ratio for his heal, and also crits alongside healing him on the 3rds hit. (GuinsoOOO'S HO!)
  • More ult damage on Ziggs R (Ratio and Base) but less upon not hitting sweet spot
  • New AD Assassin Item that makes everyone Zed. Deals a fourth of missing health as execution damage after 2 seconds of damaging an enemy (2 Minute cooldown)
  • Dead Man's Plate cost up and slow down
  • 100 Gold cost decrease on Warden's Mail and all items that are produced from it
More stuffs being located but here's a general idea of some changes

Sona and Oriana gain this year's Sweetheart and Heartseeker Skins

I guess the 6.2 Patch notes are pretty relevant too huh?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 04:27:37 PM by Alphadin »

  • New AD Assassin Item that makes everyone Zed. Deals a fourth of missing health as execution damage after 2 seconds of damaging an enemy (2 Minute cooldown)
  • Dead Man's Plate cost up and slow down
  • 100 Gold cost decrease on Warden's Mail and all items that are produced from it
why the hell are they nerfing dead mans and like almost all of the good armor items but then buff assassins???
half of the assassins in the game can already ravage tanks with like 5k hp and upwards of 200 armor

edit: i mean i'm biased towards tanks because those are the guys i like but it just seems ridiculous that they'd buff assassins with how strong guys like rengar and rek'sai are
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 04:32:18 PM by kongo »

why the hell are they nerfing dead mans and like almost all of the good armor items but then buff assassins???
They buffed the other items I just... didn't feel like mentioning them
As I said, Frozen <3 and Omen are both down in cost of 100 Gold
Omen gives 50 more HP (yaaaay)

Sunfire Cape does bonus damage to minions and monsters now.
edit: i mean i'm biased towards tanks because those are the guys i like but it just seems ridiculous that they'd buff assassins with how strong guys like rengar and rek'sai are
Refer to the Rengar Nerfs in patch 6.2

Now you can get hella healing from actually building AD as well now

...seems ridiculous that they'd buff assassins with how strong guys like rengar and rek'sai are
excuse me, when did Rek'Sai become an assassin
« Last Edit: January 27, 2016, 05:46:05 PM by Shadowed999 »