i got chat restricted and sent to the league of gitmo:
my teammates came to a mutual agreement to flame me and call me a "kda player" meaning i do not want to die or engage. this was specifically decided when i did not want to be kalista ulted into a baronpit with 5 enemies. (or almost any time my glorious ADC ulted me)
from pretty much this point out, my entire team blamed me for literally everything that happened. and you might think "well what about the 3/17/12 Xerath not building magic resistance against an AP heavy team?" no he was absolutely not flamed, in fact, when i used my valuable and limited chances to speak up about it, i was swiftly told to shut the forget up by the rest of my team.
(i also want to add i got flamed for not warding. but that happens so often it really doesnt matter anymore)
i dont really like bitching about losses since you cant win all of them, but man this was a special game that actually physically exhausted me