The only gameplay I've had was doing a custom 1v1 with a friend, playing Sej vs Zac. So even though we both built full tank, unsure how much damage they can take from an adc or something. But I ended up doing more physical damage than magic to the Zac. The W doing physical damage threw him off because it honestly looks like it's AP based. Her ult seems extremely undertuned now, but maybe it would be different in a real game. But I still didn't feel like I would be "leading" anyone with my ult, kind of just threw it out and hey there it is, cool. Point click stun seems more annoying to do than anything, there's also the offchance that you don't reach the target in time to stun them. Probably just my misplay though.
Side note: Why can they escape situations so easily? I know Zac hasn't changed because his E is his thing, but with around 20% CDR if I recall, Sej's q had a 9 second cooldown that could go over walls. What even? I thought they didn't want tanky champions to be able to get over walls. I think they mentioned that in the galio review or something.
If Urgot's playstyle sort of remains the same(but not entirely), I would probably be on board with playing him. Semi-hype. Who doesn't want shotgun knees though
Eve rework, wonder if eve players will no longer have to lose their q key. Might get back into playing her after the rework. Not many people know how to play around her so I feel like that should be something that stays; the fact you have to ward her camps, but people are lazy. Or just don't know.