
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 503076 times)

I like this. Pretty cool. If they made it so you could easily insert gems in, like a small area below the stats and I could just click a few in and be done, would be nice.

I dunno if perseverance is all that great on Soraka. I had done the math a while back when I wanted to run it on Vayne because of her short range and gets bullied a lot but it didn't end up working out to be worth it. Though I am running 18/0/12 on most of my adcs for that sweet, sweet reduced cooldown on heal and flash. seriously though, pots are great(that part is probably a joke pls forgive if it went over my head). Maybe you don't need it because of Soraka's q, but the flash cooldown is something I love taking. Just my two cents tho. really tired at the time of writing so I might go do the math in a bit unless I pass out beforehand

Or take fearless if you're in an extremely rough matchup and are a fervor user for those longer fights. Helps with burst but I didn't really notice it helping me too much.

edit; I did not realize the quints were 2.7 health per 5. it boils down to(assuming you take recovery in resolve as well as runic armor), 20ish health per 5. 4 health per second is pretty good, all things considered. that's actually at level 1, which would get buffed up even further if you end up at dangerously low health. huh. today I learned.
soraka coin + faerie charm is a viable thing since you can spam q more in lane without trashing your mana reserve. i prefer it over pots

did abyssal just become valuable af for the likes of malph and mumu

sej's kit looks terrible now

sej's kit looks terrible now
she's actually super good and her passive is eyepopping

sej's kit looks terrible now
seems more like a top laner now instead of a jungler to me

sej jungle clear is still good. though she's doing more physical damage compared to previously. that frozen proc is an easy first scuttle since it does like 400 damage. clears raptor's fairly well too, doesn't really have a problem early. I can confirm it's very nice to use, though the second part of the W is extremely important to land but also takes some getting used to. her passive doesn't break on the smaller krugs so if you freeze, break then smite the big one, she basically takes no damage whatsoever. Pretty neat, I like the kit, but I'm gonna need to actually play against people. Just got wrecked by a sej and pals too. I think she could work fine top lane, however. Maybe when you've got a melee jungler and an assassin mid. I'm thinking like a Xin Xhao and Diana for the really hard engage and follow up combo.

sorry kind of hyped up this patch

you're mostly correct though, i feel like this patch was aimed at getting some of these tanks out of the jungle. You really don't see Zac/Sej top anymore because their kits were better suited for jungle/ganking. Sej can hold her own top now, she will be a bully.

you're mostly correct though, i feel like this patch was aimed at getting some of these tanks out of the jungle. You really don't see Zac/Sej top anymore because their kits were better suited for jungle/ganking. Sej can hold her own top now, she will be a bully.
Sej's rework was the most braindead handicapped thing Riot has ever done. She does a stuff ton of damage while at the same time somehow having less utility (exactly the loving reverse of what a tank should do)

sej seems more like a bruiser than a tank now

i'm going to miss her old W

so the tank rework is live

that means shotgun knees is next boys

"blitzcrank-like hook with grinder on chest and shotgun knees"
o boyyy urgottttttt

they decided to keep the two boring abilities in sej's and zac's kit and update zacs q and r and sej's w which was already fine, lmao

heck zac was already a very original champ why touch him

do something about singed or volibear instead

so the tank rework is live

that means shotgun knees is next boys

"blitzcrank-like hook with grinder on chest and shotgun knees"
o boyyy urgottttttt
aatrox will be meta and then urgot will be reworked and become overpowered

next, jayce will be a troll pick

The only gameplay I've had was doing a custom 1v1 with a friend, playing Sej vs Zac. So even though we both built full tank, unsure how much damage they can take from an adc or something. But I ended up doing more physical damage than magic to the Zac. The W doing physical damage threw him off because it honestly looks like it's AP based. Her ult seems extremely undertuned now, but maybe it would be different in a real game. But I still didn't feel like I would be "leading" anyone with my ult, kind of just threw it out and hey there it is, cool. Point click stun seems more annoying to do than anything, there's also the offchance that you don't reach the target in time to stun them. Probably just my misplay though.

Side note: Why can they escape situations so easily? I know Zac hasn't changed because his E is his thing, but with around 20% CDR if I recall, Sej's q had a 9 second cooldown that could go over walls. What even? I thought they didn't want tanky champions to be able to get over walls. I think they mentioned that in the galio review or something.

If Urgot's playstyle sort of remains the same(but not entirely), I would probably be on board with playing him. Semi-hype. Who doesn't want shotgun knees though

Eve rework, wonder if eve players will no longer have to lose their q key. Might get back into playing her after the rework. Not many people know how to play around her so I feel like that should be something that stays; the fact you have to ward her camps, but people are lazy. Or just don't know.

gamemode real fun! at least first try, it probably gets repetitive quickly