
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 501879 times)

obviously kog cause its lategame and everyone has 1000 cs

kog had ninja tabi and lucian couldn't land his W, didn't use his E to dodge anything.

5/0 lucian vs 0/0/5 kog, which one wins

place your bets
ape hypercarry

this patch malzahar

Q, E, and R deal more damage.

what.. what what what what what what no no no why what waht what hwat

it's official riot encourage aids and wish it upon us all

1.15 ap ratio on ult. there's totally nothing wrong with /that/.

though I did not know his ult was doing 45% of max health at rank 3, so I guess it's a nerf when trying to be a tank buster. didn't know he was able to tank bust tho.

I'm excited to try Kindred some more, I play a lot of adc but kinda suck in the jungle unless I'm playing Vi or Graves. So hopefully I'll get to have some fun once the hype dies down due to people forgetting she's an adc and not a bruiser.

also the item set creator is AWESOME. Click on potions to stack them, having past 25 items in a block and a very slick way to add champions to a build.

yeah they should fix this


actually wanted to E flash and the knockup screwed me over.

Not broken. The Blitz started his auto first, and your E doesn't make you invincible. It's just once he's started his auto, it has to go through the animation before the knockup is applied.

but when we're talking autos.. fizz can actually dodge em, it's this specific situation because blitz auto works as some sort of point and click ability in disguise because when the animation is started you can't escape it, it's the same when you try to flash it, which isn't the case with real AA dodging

also doesn't explain how the E is interrupted but the ability's utility is still applied after the knockup is over, I don't know another ability that works like that

it makes sense that he can knockup me but it should be updated because it's looks broken atm

Sion's passive does nothing but upset me after I die

Sion's passive does nothing but upset me after I die
that's why it's one of the most useless passives in the game

any cc at all and it's worth literally nothing.

that's why it's one of the most useless passives in the game

any cc at all and it's worth literally nothing.

They need to make it immune to cc, reduce damage and explode like kog'maw with a slow for more cc instead of damage imo

Maybe decrease health, but, instead of losing health over time, make the duration a separate thing. So the enemy has to decide between fight or flight, instead of a little of both.

is sion weak enough to deserve a buff though

He doesn't really fall off when he's behind and even if he is behind, he can still initiate for the team. It's not like his death means anything if the fight is already in your favor.

his passive is just situational, if it's a full blown 5v5 teamfight, having a corpse running at the backline will help a lot

Is it just me or does it feel like you get matched with total handicaps when you're on your series
I was on a decent win streak up until I get to my series, then I start losing over and over, people are going afk and tilting off of one kill, it's loving insane