
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 499410 times)

got it after this game

i got two honors. tbh i was thinking, "this will probably be the game that jumps me to honor 4."

swain is great. I stopped playing him for the longest time but then they fixed something to do with minions and he doesn't stutterstep while his ult is on, so I picked him up again. might abuse in ranked before preseason comes in at 7.22

Idk what elo you're at but abuse the stuff out of swain if it's below plat, nobody will ever buy executioners calling to counter you and its free elo

I've had my lane opponent buy culling after they die at least 6 times or after black cleaver then try to 2v1 me. it doesn't work out too well lol, but otherwise yeah pretty much no one buys culling when they need to. However to be fair, most of them DO buy culling, it's just that most of them are too far behind to do anything.

Are there other spell choices, by the way? I really don't like taking ghost, but I've debated about taking ignite in a lot of my games. oftentimes I can get the enemy to do 100-300 health fairly easily so I'm thinking it can get me ahead even more, but I value TP over other spells. Of course, exhaust is great against assassins like Zed but I haven't been going midlane swain much. Suggestions on other summs would be great

Landed Silver 2 in my ten games and I believe I'm around Gold 5 in norms right now or somewhere around there I think. People take the worst trades and I get so confused. Had an Illaoi lose half of her HP for 1 CS and I seem to be the only one paying attention to their jungler showing bot lane for the most part. Had a Kayn and Teemo try to rush down my tower for first, they did get it but I got a double kill. People become really dumb for 300 gold or less. The one game I lost, it was a Vayne who was fed af due to my adc going 0/14 or something crazy, thanks Xayah. Strangely, the 0/13 Teemo did more damage than anyone else on his team, feelsbad.

I've had my lane opponent buy culling after they die at least 6 times or after black cleaver then try to 2v1 me. it doesn't work out too well lol, but otherwise yeah pretty much no one buys culling when they need to. However to be fair, most of them DO buy culling, it's just that most of them are too far behind to do anything.

Are there other spell choices, by the way? I really don't like taking ghost, but I've debated about taking ignite in a lot of my games. oftentimes I can get the enemy to do 100-300 health fairly easily so I'm thinking it can get me ahead even more, but I value TP over other spells. Of course, exhaust is great against assassins like Zed but I haven't been going midlane swain much. Suggestions on other summs would be great

Landed Silver 2 in my ten games and I believe I'm around Gold 5 in norms right now or somewhere around there I think. People take the worst trades and I get so confused. Had an Illaoi lose half of her HP for 1 CS and I seem to be the only one paying attention to their jungler showing bot lane for the most part. Had a Kayn and Teemo try to rush down my tower for first, they did get it but I got a double kill. People become really dumb for 300 gold or less. The one game I lost, it was a Vayne who was fed af due to my adc going 0/14 or something crazy, thanks Xayah. Strangely, the 0/13 Teemo did more damage than anyone else on his team, feelsbad.

Ignite is a ridiculously powerful spell on Swain due to his E's interaction with ignite. The damage amplification on his E also affects the damage from ignite, so it's entirely possible to get some really cheesy level 1 kills with your E and ignite. Generally, don't bring teleport unless you are VERY confident that your teleport usage is good enough to be more beneficial to your team than you getting fed by stuff stomping your lane with ignite.

Against cheesy stuff like tryndamere, you can run exhaust as well. Always take flash tho, flash is super good.

tl;dr ignite = stuff stomp lane, teleport = gank your team, exhaust = don't get stuff stomped in lane

depends on the scenario but imo i would much rather go ignite on swain and exhaust sometimes into harder matchups.

Ah stuff man, it's Championship Ashe


shoulda played some ranked, kek

im a dumb, that's the one you can buy, forget yeah buddy
« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 03:00:12 PM by Anybody »

Ignite is a ridiculously powerful spell on Swain due to his E's interaction with ignite. The damage amplification on his E also affects the damage from ignite, so it's entirely possible to get some really cheesy level 1 kills with your E and ignite. Generally, don't bring teleport unless you are VERY confident that your teleport usage is good enough to be more beneficial to your team than you getting fed by stuff stomping your lane with ignite.

Against cheesy stuff like tryndamere, you can run exhaust as well. Always take flash tho, flash is super good.

tl;dr ignite = stuff stomp lane, teleport = gank your team, exhaust = don't get stuff stomped in lane

depends on the scenario but imo i would much rather go ignite on swain and exhaust sometimes into harder matchups.

I make as many TP plays as I can get away with and typically come up with at least a kill or swing a teamfight in my team's favor. Late game is typically just running at enemies as a low-key engage and they take the bait.
I did not actually know that his E worked with Ignite, that's really cool. and scary. I've gotta try that soon. My early game isn't that bad, normally I just absorb a lot of jungle pressure or I win lane over time. Thanks for the advice

ashe skin hype

Woo I did it. First time in plat. yey

where is my stargaurdian event

got to win a match with one of dyrus' editors

pretty cool, didn't even notice it was ornayda until i looked at the match history

Welcome to the first circle of elo hell, Ladle

exactly 7 circles of elo hell, cause it ends at diamond 3?