
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 501875 times)

if you call needing to land one skillshot to win lane a high skillcap i'd hate to see what a low skill character is

The boomerang skillshot got more depth than the ordinary skillshot and the bubble is better with walls. The ult might as well be useless for people that sucks but have a great impact for people that don't suck, and managing all the extra sum spells and item actives aint for your ordinary pleb. I would say she got a high skillcap for sure. :P

Annie got a low skillcap m8
edit: Thinking about it, Annie's skillcap is not super low seeing maneuvering the bear and zoning might need some practice. But yeah, she's a pretty no-brain champ other than that.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 11:52:50 AM by Ladle »

You can buy rune pages as usual. But it feels like they're trying to hide them away. Is it only me or is it hard to make pages in champ select and you pretty much want one for each champ seeing every rune is a lot more impactful than the old runes and masteries that just gave you stats.

i think the gist is have like one page of primary-tier runes for each tier, and then just keep swapping out the secondaries and modifying the page every round

imo kinda bs tbh cause that's a lot of pregame management stuff, runepage cap should be increased and price should be lowered. i think their idea was to set up those default pages for people to use but nobody really likes to use prebuilt content since its not customized to them

even though additional rune pages is a bit a of a comfort thing it still feels like pay-to-win atm

even though additional rune pages is a bit a of a comfort thing it still feels like pay-to-win atm
it's probably gonna be like masteries once everybody figures it out

the page gets edited before every match starts anyways

Would be nice if the rune pages were per champion

Would be nice if the rune pages were per champion

yeah, would this be so hard? could work just like item sets

anyone else surprised theyre still getting away with being honor 5?

they cant keep getting away with this.......

honestly if you dont feed most your games you'll eventually rack up enough honor just by being someone who did well. it seems less "man you were fun to play with" and more "i really appreciate how much you carried/did well"

it's happened boys

We're so far into the season that I've finally run out of chests. It also helped that you're getting stuffton of keys nowadays... and that I bought like 10 keys in the summer because my chest pile pissed me off. xd

and tfw runes are so unbalanced that you get flamed for not picking klepto ez
it's broken

after i watched qtpie's video on klepto ez i had dreams about it and woke up tilted. i hate playing against it why did this have to happen right after i become an adc main