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League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.

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you can't tell me these beast hunter skins aren't based entirely off of monster hunter
i mean just look at how vibrant and stylized the armor is
try and tell me trynd's sword doesn't look similar to this

I may have a problem

Part 2

Haven't you been playing Singed for a bit? Seems normal to me.

ALSO, what do you guys think of the Shen rework?

wow, alphas leaving the forums?
one of the few people i didnt want to see gone on the forums :(

please someone understand this joke

(if you dont, everyone who creates league threads/huge game megathreads leave the forums. rip)


--- Quote from: Shadowed999 on January 13, 2016, 11:21:42 PM ---Haven't you been playing Singed for a bit? Seems normal to me.

ALSO, what do you guys think of the Shen rework?

--- End quote ---
Yeah, but it's just odd that whenever I play, nobody on the enemy team knows how Singed works and they either camp me (which I want) or ignore me, so I proxy and free farm and scale for free. Teamfights are also weird because I can consistently do damage, but sometimes they will just ignore me and let me run straight for their adc.

10/10 would Singed again

The shen rework looks pretty stuffty to me. I didn't think shen was particularly useful before when his only use was to babysit bot lane, but now he actually seems to have some minigame in his kit with the new w and it looks like he'll take more skill to do essentially the same job


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