
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 478354 times)

teemo onhit jungle deadly

my favorite champions

I hate all four of those champs.

I hate all four of those champs.
the JOKES on Yooooooouuuuuu~

edit: please tell every aurelllelylllyjellyian sol you come across to stop going mid and feeding the enemy. contrary to popular belief as of this moment, he is in no way overpowered like some of the previous champions revealed.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 09:35:21 PM by Alkatjo »

I'm so loving salty right now

Of the five games I played today, I deservedly lost one.

The other four losses came from an 0/11 twisted fate feeding my lane and his lane, a troll yi "support" with tp ignite that took all our jungler and adc's farm and then telepprted top to feed my rammus because he was salty he didn't get jungle, a zed that locked zed last pick when we were full AD already, and a Darius that hyperfed a Garen top, 0/6 in the first 15 mins.

loving infuriating when people are so damn heavy because they can't stop feeding and refuse to play safe. loving boils my blood when someone loses 1/2 their HP over a caster minion because they're loving stupid.

loving infuriating when people are so damn heavy because they can't stop feeding and refuse to play safe. loving boils my blood when someone loses 1/2 their HP over a caster minion because they're loving stupid.
i have won so many 1v2's top because of tards fighting in like 15 minions people need to understand to clear / lessen the wave and then get the jg to come in

Just lost a game because a guy d/c'd at the last second and sat there while they 4v5'd us.
forget me.

i have won so many 1v2's top because of tards fighting in like 15 minions people need to understand to clear / lessen the wave and then get the jg to come in
boils my blood that gold players don't understand how to properly trade after presumably hundreds of ranked games.

i feel you man.

I just get really tilted over horrible and painful losses. It seems like if I split from the team to push, I'm base racing 5 people, but if I stay, we are fighting a futile teamfight because I probably won't get into the back line without a bit of luck, and even if I do, everyone else will get cleaned up because they don't understand positioning.

It feels like every decision I can make when we're behind is not optimal and if I get any sort of advantage for myself or a teammate, it's thrown by some ridiculous play or call, I.E. "let's group to push bot when Baron is up and we have open inhibs' or some literal potato that fights his lane opponent in a wave of 6 casters and a cannon after I worked so hard to roam and help them.

It probably sounds really roostery to say, but I put a ton of time into learning about Singed/macro play in general, lane matchups, pressure, objective priority, etc, but it's infuriating that often I am the only one that understands these concepts. Scenario for you: Singed is in the enemy base triple proxying. Singed is pressuring all 3 lanes. My typical solo queue compatriots would rage that I'm taking their farm and say in all chat to report me for troll after the game and that we should open mid. The pressure of all 3 lanes is completely ignored and likely no towers get taken despite multiple waves hitting each tower. Instead everyone is farming the jungle or aimlessly walking looking for picks when objectives are all open.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2016, 11:56:05 PM by Cappytaino »

Take a look at this maybe

Cap, stop acting like you're new to solo q GOSH :^)

How do I even begin playing this game, like geez. I knew SOME Smite meta but this game doesn't make any sense to me.

How do I even begin playing this game, like geez. I knew SOME Smite meta but this game doesn't make any sense to me.
If you're new to the game i suggest trying to learn jungle first. There are some good jungle guides for beginners on youtube and imo playing jungle gives you a good understanding of how the game works

If you're new to the game i suggest trying to learn jungle first. There are some good jungle guides for beginners on youtube and imo playing jungle gives you a good understanding of how the game works
But jungle is the weakest and least popular role for beginning players
Generally in level 1-10 games you get duo top, no jg.

I've actually manage to proxy lanes w/nasus before and have been reported for it. AP nasus. Rushed max e w/death cap 10 minutes in completely ignoring my stacks and still got called out for it. My team, despite not having any opposition with minions, still managed to feed the enemy top lane Yasuo and mid Zed. Not only did i fend off a shyvana and sona and vayne and still keep a reasonable score, my team wouldn't take action and even blamed me for taking mid's "precious cs".

Like i said, i feel you man. I always face really good enemy laners but for some reason, am never able to find a hint of skill sometimes on my own team. I'm starting to think im being singled out sometimes and purposely put on "week" teams based on my previous games, which might explain the major tilts I've been experiencing lately.