
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 479617 times)

pictured: myst inting and then me getting a teemo quadra

that malph single-handedly killed your penta dreams

also I didn't understand the rylais on karma in the pic

I already flamed Akio for building Rylais, that stuff triggered me

It's like building frozen mallet on ashe lool

i didn't know they changed rylais no flame plz

love frozen mallet on teemo
used to do that ages ago in top lane, just building speed, runaans, and the mallet and proceeding to annoy anybody coming top

when does this ranked season end?
and what is the weekend gamemode?

love frozen mallet on teemo
used to do that ages ago in top lane, just building speed, runaans, and the mallet and proceeding to annoy anybody coming top

when does this ranked season end?
and what is the weekend gamemode?
i think november 6th

What to do if you aren't tilted by a losing streak but on a losing streak non-the-less or w/e the word is

What to do if you aren't tilted by a losing streak but on a losing streak non-the-less or w/e the word is
play some new champs / roles in norms to get something fresh going

play some new champs / roles in norms to get something fresh going

Bought a couple of ADCs, going down bot and giving mid a break I guess
Was hoping to get to gold by the end of the season but eh

garbage man, i come out and eat the thrash

from bottom up

game 1 yay, ashe, top picks kha, feeds 3 kills to the irelia and goes afk, team surrenders at 20
we had a poor team comp compared to the other team, should of had dodged this one, -14lp

game 2 cant remember when i last time fed this hard, sucked on lane by missing cs, and then get richarded by amumu, leona and gallio
team comp was garbage again i should of had dodged this one too, -15lp

really stuffty, lesson for today would be dodging when its obvious there is no team fight potential

S1 19lp

Minishcap1 (Challenger Singed main) just put together an insightful post on Reddit that explains the problem with the meta right now pretty well.

Of 37 meta top laners (assuming equal skill of the singed and the enemy) a Singed will straight up lose/get outscaled by 25 of them, go even with 7, and win only 5 of these matchups.

The reason for this is that there are so many champions that outscale Singed and it's literally impossible to stop save for them going afk. The second reason is that some champions simply do more with less. Singed doesn't really come online until 2-3 items, whereas a Darius can spank your ass with just a cleaver and boots.

In most of these losing matchups, you only can win if both A.) Your lane opponent has severe brain damage and B.) Your jungler capitalizes on it.

It's literally impossible to win lane vs the meta in 68% of matchups as Singed and it's really stuffty because some of them are so one sided that the enemy laner could get outfarmed by double and still outscale by 20 (Jax, Irelia)

basically bad champions have bad matchups lol