
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 511468 times)

Scripters peeve me the heck off

Scripters peeve me the heck off
tfw you're in monkey elo so there aren't any scripters :^ )

tfw you're in monkey elo so there aren't any scripters :^ )
plat has tons of them and still is monkey elo ( ^:

Here's another game against a scripter: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/2390878389/33555019?tab=overview
Teemo was the scripter. Had the dodge thing going, bound laugh to auto attacks, and I think he bound mastery emote to q? He would dodge amumu ults with flash.
The craziest thing was that it was a normal game.

im at Disneyworld and theresa big group of tards wearing league shirts

im at Disneyworld and theresa big group of tards wearing league shirts
ask them if they think yasuo is overpowered

Yasuo is only op if you use the cowboy skin

Yasuo is only op if you use the cowboy skin
yasuo is only just barely above garbage tier if you use the cowboy skin

all other skins fall under TRASH

1k IP away from Vi, so very close

in the meantime I've been playing a load of Jinx and Sivir, had some really good games lately. Feels good being able to farm well and dish out all of the damage

my friends tell me I have a very high-pitch laugh.. oh well


1k IP away from Vi, so very close

I sit on 24k ip, idk what to buy.

I sit on 24k ip, idk what to buy.

I dunno if I could suggest anything, but I'm trying to flesh out my champ pool. I have a liking for heavy cc and needed a jungler I could build AD on, she's a perfect fit. I think you said you had all the marksmen some pages ago, which is kinda what I was trying to do too.

I could attempt to help tho if I knew what your fav champs to play were or somethin. other people are probably better to ask however but what the hey

i saw some loving idiot wearing a c9 jersey


My highest mastery list says a lot. :)

Fizz being my main.

So I main mid and I always put mid as primary and bot as secondary in solo queue, but I pretty much get bot 70%I pulled that number out of my ass of the time and am slowly becoming an adc main.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 10:17:17 PM by seargent227 »