
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 510372 times)

so with last patch's lethality buff are we back to where we started before armor pen was dropped in favor of it?

I also never really understood the difference between the two.

i havent played in a pretty long while and the life steal meta for ADCs throws me off.
let me just finish this ADC real qui- WHERE DID THIS HP COME FROM

so with last patch's lethality buff are we back to where we started before armor pen was dropped in favor of it?

I also never really understood the difference between the two.
lethality is basically flat pen that ramps up based on your opponent's level

flat pen = better vs lower amounts of armor

basically flat pen is good on champs that have high base dmgs i.e. draven or AD casters i.e. mf luc graves.

It forgets squishies up the ass and is very oppressive mid game.

i havent played in a pretty long while and the life steal meta for ADCs throws me off.
let me just finish this ADC real qui- WHERE DID THIS HP COME FROM
you're mistaken

this is the lethality meta, where only maokai is allowed to tank

you're mistaken

this is the lethality meta, where only maokai is allowed to tank
how new is this lethality because before i had a little hiatus i basically spammed Mundo and Leona because you could literally just run around and do whatever your heart desires and i seem to really struggle with that now

how new is this lethality because before i had a little hiatus i basically spammed Mundo and Leona because you could literally just run around and do whatever your heart desires and i seem to really struggle with that now

7.2 I'm fairly certain, could be wrong. speaking of which, talon at level 7 with only a dirk(I believe, maybe another longsword) shanked someone for a 300 crit. was watching a game and saw that happen, considering the typical yi who only has roughly 1k health at that time, ow. at least I think he had that much.

gonna try out Lucian with ghostblade/black cleaver and maybe mix in a manamune in there. I didn't like the two item spike pre-buff because losing all your mana on a caster almost makes you useless. had to space stuff out but with that extra piece after ghostblade I'm thinking it'll be golden in most of my games. anyone have experience with this build on more recent patches?

bless practice mode, time to main plank

dont forget that theres a lot more lethality readily available than armorpen was as well. also forget precision and runes. thats over 30 lethality in masteries + reds/quints alone. At the same time tho, flat pen is flat pen, so you buy a cloth/chainvest ezpz


please note that this build and these masteries work

unironic lethality two pds sion is not a bad build and honestly can work just as good as 400 armor 4k health sion
not to burst your bubble or anything, but anything can work in normals man, i have an account for lulu jungle only. i havent played it in 7~ months, but when i did it wasnt hard to stomp people just bc they dont expect it

not to burst your bubble or anything, but anything can work in normals man, i have an account for lulu jungle only. i havent played it in 7~ months, but when i did it wasnt hard to stomp people just bc they dont expect it
I play teleport smite teemo in any lane and can carry normals.

singed is the only way i can enjoy toplane
what a guy

not to burst your bubble or anything, but anything can work in normals man, i have an account for lulu jungle only. i havent played it in 7~ months, but when i did it wasnt hard to stomp people just bc they dont expect it
hey man monkeys in normals are the same thing as monkeys in ranked

besides the whole reason i wanted to try it out was because a dude got to challenger with lethality sion only