
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 518309 times)

why wouldn't you just place with your friends so the accounts mmr tanks
because I don't want to tank their lp as well

you can still win in placements, you'll get placed around where they are if you do the placements with them

you can still win in placements, you'll get placed around where they are if you do the placements with them
then I'll just do the other 9 with them then

I didn't count on silvers literally being handicapped enough to feed me when I'm trying my hardest not to kill them :U

Hai's the master of reverse sweeps.

when your aram game's too stronk

holy stuff I carried that game -_-

on-hit lulu with the kennen build is p fun



forget you yasuo, gangplank, and draven-that-always-seems-to-get-fed

holy stuff
potential 50-100 magic damage per auto

forget you yasuo, gangplank, and draven-that-always-seems-to-get-fed
they didn't decide to go through with it(at least on the pbe so far, that was a previous version of it), would've ruined my day as an adc if a tank somehow got ahead. though they did make it -20% reduced damage from crits which I'm more okay with. screw yasuo anyways, windwall gets me flamed from my teammates who don't want to fall back or push forward in a huge fight. sucks :c

zeal upgrades are looking better now with hurricane losing the 15 onhit damage, but it's 40% damage for the two bolts up from 15%. cannon and shiv are going to be a lovely mix, can't wait to try it out. Would be fun to compare which ends up doing more on Jinx and others. I think whatever they're doing to shiv atm might ruin any hope of waveclear that Vayne has so people are gonna need to work around that. most went PD anyways but still

yeah that got reverted already

I can't wait for Kindred to not be useless anymore

I can't wait for Kindred to not be useless anymore
nah man those level 2 red buff ganks can eat a richard

nah man those level 2 red buff ganks can eat a richard
lol yeah she's especially worthless in play above gold level because they other jungler is just going to kill you because she is so loving weak and has like 2 armor she'll die in 5 auto attacks

lol yeah she's especially worthless in play above gold level because they other jungler is just going to kill you because she is so loving weak and has like 2 armor she'll die in 5 auto attacks
with the way armor pen/shred is right now, everyone dies in 5 autos save for poppy and maokai.

lol yeah she's especially worthless in play above gold level because they other jungler is just going to kill you because she is so loving weak and has like 2 armor she'll die in 5 auto attacks
kindred is either trash or broken and it's better she's trash until some sort of rework to her abilities happen

remember when all she had to do was be in the game and then nobody without mobility could be anywhere past their turret

and then even characters with a bunch of mobility still had to be incredibly careful
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 01:35:21 PM by kongo »