
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 518281 times)

Jesus that Nasus damage.

Jesus that Nasus damage.
q while in e, might as well make q do true damage


DD was really strong, IDK what they were thinking buffing it some more


DD was really strong, IDK what they were thinking buffing it some more

that's funny, I rarely notice the actual DD passive so that was rad

How do you loving fight Vlad in lane dude, i s2g he's got to be the most tilting champ to lane against when I go mid

How do you loving fight Vlad in lane dude, i s2g he's got to be the most tilting champ to lane against when I go mid
there's an item that completely forgets lifesteal, you never see anyone below gold buy it but i think it works wonderfully against heavy life steal champions. I could be wrong about this but it should nullify vlads's q a bit and keep him from sustaining.

How do you loving fight Vlad in lane dude, i s2g he's got to be the most tilting champ to lane against when I go mid

ignite, morello

or just go diana and poop on him

either executioner's culling, ignite, or morellonomicon works. otherwise I thought it was try to outpush him or burst him after baiting the pool. never really fought vlad in mid though, don't have experience

Vlad usually isn't a problem. Either ignite him when you want to all in, or buy morellos/executioners calling to wreck his healing.

Have your support buy locket and gg his ult is useless.

Vlad in teamfights is a different story, but in lane I wouldn't say he's any different than other champs. Sure he got a heal but all you gotta do is take the right trades and work more around his cooldowns.

As a Diana main (Diana op ikr) you don't even need ignite to have kill pressure. You'll shove him out of lane early levels and if he tries to go aggressive he'll be forced to pop his pool because you're stronger and once he's pooled out it's really hard for him to establish any pressure without jungle assistance. It's easy to see when he wants to use his cooldowns and earlygame they do so little dmg so you can negate it with your shield and go ham on him lvl 6.

Yeah and his play becomes very transparent because you can see his "blood" bar or whatever it's called.

I just need to play against him more, every time I go up against him I start seeing red before the game even starts and I get forgeted.

 I'm trying to learn how to carry these low ELO games but it feels impossible because bot and top almost always lose lane and don't provide ganking opportunities for our jger, legit seems like every game is determined by matchmaking instead of skill