hey ive been switching mains from support to adc and ive been finding a lot of success with jhin and ashe. are there any different adcs i should try out?
also i feel like i play pretty well mechanically, but could i also get some tips on CSing and positioning if you guys have any?
Ashe is great starting point for an ADC. Jhin is very different from the rest with his caster style game play, and can suffer against oppressive lanes being unable to farm easily or tanks if the game goes on too long.
Practicing last hitting in practice mode or custom games, without runes, masteries or items until you can repeatability bag the gold is a good exercise. It's still different than farming against another bot lane but being able to land the final hits will improve your CS even under pressure.
For positioning you should be mindful of hard CC your enemies have, their cool downs and approximate ranges, looking for openings when they spend them, unless your confident in your ability to dodge, until then you keep your distance and hit closest target if you safely can, until they're dead or a higher priority target becomes available
she's never really out of meta
Shes just becoming meta again almost a year of near negligible play rate, not that she was that bad but the crit itemization changes have helped her.
In-general she is a pretty safe pick with self peel and an escape who later on scales in to a late game monster with 6th highest range (1st if you don't count the other ability based or non-free scaling) with massive tower taking ability.
Sivir isn't exactly a suggestion but I like playing her a loooot. more team-based but you get a spellshield, a passive and an ult for self peel. Really good pick into Juggernauts like a fed Darius because he just can't catch you. might still need flash tho. she's out of meta due to going triple crit first but it's ESS reaver first/IE and rapidfirecannon/PD. seen some shiv buys tho. If people let you farm then it works out.
Sivir is good despite her low range, she can blow up team fights with her W being able to crit now and she can also blow up squishy targets with W AA reset, the biggest challenge with her is the build and how terrible it feels to play her until you can get ER to enable your perma push. And depending on the lane and match up you might have to concede a lot of pressure and farm on the lane.
Statik used to be go to Zeal item back in season 4 to amplify her wave clear but now you'd ideally go BF, Zeal into ER and PD for mana, CDR and survivability with the passive as you usually don't get LS until later on if at all.