
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 512684 times)

now i may have an idea

try not jungling jhin

instead, jungle karthus. that way you look terrible but in reality you've picked the most viable jungle in existence

jhin jungle is the most fun ive had in months also i went 11/3/15 that game
i love jihn

i was 13/6 on karthus top made their darius have 50 cs at around 30 minutes, pushed the entirety of top lane and broke a nexus turret

and then marc merrill zapped my hard drives and gave me a blue screen and within 30 seconds of getting merrilled my team lost

we only had our mid and bot outers destroyed when i got merrilled

what is this game
« Last Edit: July 24, 2017, 02:38:03 AM by kongo »

i was 13/6 on karthus top made their darius have 50 cs at around 30 minutes, pushed the entirety of top lane and broke a nexus turret

and then marc merrill zapped my hard drives and gave me a blue screen and within 30 seconds of getting merrilled my team lost

we only had our mid and bot outers destroyed when i got merrilled

what is this game
don't u know that ur not allowed to pick anything other than duskblade abusers or else u lose

Probably surrendered.
no i was in a call with 2 other people

they lost because the other guys got baron and then just steamrolled through my team even though the only 1 doing well on their team was a brand
don't u know that ur not allowed to pick anything other than duskblade abusers or else u lose
marc merrill is always watching

so does that mean we're back to where solocarry is a thing

or is the game at the point where literally everyone including faker is a boosted ape

teemo + duskblade = extra memey

any eve or khazix plays with new duskblade yet id do it but i own neither champ

well I just lost my diamond series for the 5th time thanks to an int and afk troll

my team was getting raped by fiddle ult because our support was too braindead to ward and the enemy team had 3 duskblade abusers so our lee said "forget this team" and started inting

quality playerbase

teemo + duskblade = extra memey

any eve or khazix plays with new duskblade yet id do it but i own neither champ

can confirm duskblade is dumb on kha. I like to build him a bit tanker though. typically when I go full assassin, doesn't work out. but going warrior>duskblade>BC is probably a fine item build for him.