
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 518295 times)

Freelo doesn't mean autowin
but isnt league a solo carry game?

but isnt league a solo carry game?
the only way to solo carry is to uninstall

tried IcyPhoenix's on-hit teemo

*i swear i wasnt support this time

*i swear i wasnt support this time
thats what they all say

seriously why can i only win one ranked game a night
in that fiddle game my toplaner banned teemo even though i picked him, but we ended up settling our differences and making the enemy surrender

next game, after two dodges i got filled support, but i still wanted to play teemo so i just dealt with it. turns out the varus didn't want to speak the entire game or go in when it was good to go in. then the jax was on tilt the whole game because everyone flamed him for farming when he should've been fighting (e.g. it looks like he's going mid to countergank but he stops at raptors and takes raptors while our mid gets killed)
how the forget am i supposed to get out of bronze when everyone i get queued with has the stufftiest attitudes and thinks they're platinum?

also first S on teemo, i have mastery 6 so i got my token. this is why i want to play teemo jg, BUT NO ONE WILL LET ME

No sweeper trinket and double digit deaths probably played a part. Also, so far as utility goes, teemo support isn't the best due to his lack of hard CC. Most poke supports i.e. brand, zyra, velkoz have some form of hard cc to peel for carries and a fairly long range. Teemo has a very short range, a slow on shrooms, and a blind (which does not help at all vs casters and can be cleansed)

man on-hit teemo is really fun
I was originally worried that it would be rly boring compared to full AP deletion but being able to easily 1v1 tanks and bruisers as teemo is fun.

Why do people think insulting me is the best way to get me to do something

"Hey handicap get drag" yeah that'll learn em

cause they're flaming handicaps, duh. why else are they in bronze

if they were an actual team player they wouldnt feel the need to append an insult to a request and just use pings

He was Plat V though
everything not challenger is bronze

He was Plat V though
all plat players are handicapped, myself included