
Which would have been the best name for League of Legends?

League of Xenon
4 (9.5%)
League of 360
10 (23.8%)
League of Durango
6 (14.3%)
League of One
7 (16.7%)
League of Scorpio
3 (7.1%)
League of X
12 (28.6%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Author Topic: League of Legends - Sylas? New Season? You bet.  (Read 499646 times)

honestly just play arams, havent had a game with less than 10k gold even in a loss in a long time after they changed the gold income in the gamemode

to clear out some confusion, here is the mission
it has to be 10k, on the rift

of course i can just play a different lane, but i like support right now so its a liiiitle ehh

made a ziggs "penta" in aram

« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 12:01:04 PM by hootaloo »

to clear out some confusion, here is the mission
it has to be 10k, on the rift

of course i can just play a different lane, but i like support right now so its a liiiitle ehh

made a ziggs "penta" in aram

if u want to get gold as sup play soraka and ult just before anyone gets a kill

that + ancient coin line should give u enough cash to break 10k

currently on a 10 winstreak in ranked im super proud

Can we take a second to appreciate how loving broken Tristana Is? She's such a stupidly safe pick for the amount of damage she can put out and her objective control is insane due to her E letting her melt towers and stuff on people in duels

She has stupid long range rivalled only by twitch ult, so much self peel, damage amplification, resets, like what the forget Riot?

skill req on her is high tho and her ult is super situational, on top of her early game being weak. kog scales better but cant execute as fast tho so it depends on if you can close out games by midgame


..and i'm not locked in here with you..
Can we ignore the triple auto cancel and instead look at how amazing that amumu ulti was?

skill req on her is high tho and her ult is super situational, on top of her early game being weak. kog scales better but cant execute as fast tho so it depends on if you can close out games by midgame
she thrives in soloQ because of her self peel, resets, ability to kite, and long range. She's god tier right now and playing against her is ridiculous

Can we ignore the triple auto cancel and instead look at how amazing that amumu ulti was?

Guy had 100% amazing ults and I gave him my honor

When this idiot threatens to int if we ban yas or don't give him mid, so we do and he instalocks yasuo and goes 1/15

Riot needs to make champ select reports a thing to stop clowns like this from holding teams hostage.

We still won but it was a terrible experience, this yasuo was both an absolutely garbage player AND toxic. I felt bad about winning because then he got LP he entirely didn't deserve.

When you play with such a low toxic ass you almost want to afk to deny him lp but you don't want to get reported as well. It's such a stuff position to be in.


i called someone a skank for afking literally the game before
« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 09:08:24 PM by hootaloo »

4 honors, and when they're for shotcalling, always feels good :)

edit: most kills, most cs, most turret kills, best vision score. you now know you're playing the game well
« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 09:07:11 PM by Ladle »