Author Topic: What weird things do you do that somehow no one else does?  (Read 1988 times)

The sitting down to piss would be pretty common I'd imagine, especially now with so many people using their phones in the bathroom.
I try not to do this.
But if I'm having a poo I may spend some fair amount of time on my phone/3ds/reading a book.

I try not to do this.
But if I'm having a poo I may spend some fair amount of time on my phone/3ds/reading a book.
Yeah it's a bad habit I've gotten into now

Many of my posts here are actually from the loo. Definitely the purest form of stuff-posting.

I actually sit down to use the bathroom, and opt to never use urinals, even if it's the only choice available. (which is weird for a guy, I guess?)
Im the same way. Never actually used a urinal in my entire life. I also have a habit of always checking under the toilet seat for bugs.

I actually pay attention in history class.
Me too lol. History classes have typically been the only class in school that I ever found interesting. My government and US history classes i had in junior and senior year of HS, i was top of the class.

I like black coffee.

I dislike the taste of cantaloupes and similar fruits.
i actually like cantaloupe myself

I like broccoli.
eh its okay

I wash my hands religiously, but the rest of my body...not as much.
i make sure to shower every day and wash my hands frequently. yay germaphobia.

Yeah it's a bad habit I've gotten into now

Many of my posts here are actually from the loo. Definitely the purest form of stuff-posting.
I don't get great wifi reception, so I don't post much from the toilet.

I have several factbooks though, so I read those a lot.
stuffting makes me smarter.

i avoid using public toilets at all costs, even if they're clean

i avoid using public toilets at all costs, even if they're clean

This, the paranoia is real

This, the paranoia is real
Im okay with a public toilet as long as it passes all my cleanliness inspections and I am able to easily clean it.

I spend more time cleaning and inspecting the toilet than I actually do using it in some cases,

i pay wayyyy to much attention to my bodylanguage/how i move around

i wear a jacket no matter the temperatore
whether 20 F to 90 F, i always wear a jacket
i just feel naked without one when im outside the house

I rock myself to sleep and if I don't I get spoopy dreams/can't sleep

It's annoying but I only do it when I'm alone in my room

Well for one I am compleatly unable to have a dream that isn't lucid

Waste my life on an online forum because why get addicted to pot if I can become addicted to the BLF?

I eat poptarts without toasting them

I think literally everybody does that.

i pay wayyyy to much attention to my bodylanguage/how i move around

I noticed myself in the reflection of a glass door that I was walking towards today. I noticed that I was walking and looked like a deformed white ghetto kid (posture + clothes). I then thought about that for a while and concluded that I really did not care.